mike parsons ministry

My first book was H.G. Courts of Heaven This reflects the size of the book (800+ pages). The cross was an amazing love transaction that dealt with the legal consequences of mankinds lost identity. He wants to reveal His heart to us so that we can express His heart in a much more relational way. A phrase that I quote very often (because the Father said this to me so many times) is Live loved, love living and live loving. He said it as an encouragement and a motivation that this is simply how we can live. Click the image or link above for the whole series, or scroll down to watch the video of the talk this post comes from. There is a whole universe, multiverses maybe, into which that kingdom will expand, and the saints of the Highest One are going to be instrumental in that. If you have never considered covenants then I do not have space to go into the whole subject here, perhaps the best advice I can give is to get hold of some of Ian Claytons teaching on covenants. I am only responsible to be who I am created to be. Persevere. In this short introductory video, meet Mike Parsons, the creator of Engaging God, as he introduces the programme and briefly explains what to expect. We need to wake up and take hold of who we are as the sons of God. Click the image or link above. They are continually striving for something that already belongs to them; and if they would just stop, they would discover what it is to receive and be at rest. I had to die to that need to know what was going on. Religion revels in doing. Live loved, love living, liveloving, The Book Depository (free delivery worldwide), https://freedomtrust.org.uk/RoAT3/Introducing%20RoAT3.mp4, 77. conferences for 2018. and if you will perform My service, Online equipping for a Joshua Generation. I want my esteem to come from how God sees me; from knowing who I am as a child of God, knowing the love of God, knowing the value He places upon me. I have had so many experiences of the nature of that unconditional love, both towards myself and how God has expressed and shown His love to others, that I am absolutely convinced that this is the key, that everyone needs to know. He is passionate about making available that relationship for us and therefore His wrath is going to be poured out on anything that hinders our coming into relationship; not the kind of wrath that we have tended to believe, but rather God passionately outworking His love to bring about change and transformation for our good. And I believe we are called, we are the sons of God: we can be like the sons of Issachar who understand the times and seasons that were living in and were fully able then to participate as co-heirs and co-creators in theKingdom of God, Join us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/freedomarc. In Hebrew logic (also called open block logic) there are multiple understandings which can all be true even if they seem contradictory to the western mind. So lets receive grace and mercy every day and know there is no mark to attain. My point here is that we need to understand the context of the eternal purposes of God. Cost: 5 GBP (typically less than $7 USD depending on exchange rate). Equipping a Joshua Generation of supernatural sons of God to live according to the order of Melchizedek, To find out more about the Engaging God programme, click here. In Daniel chapter 2, Nebuchadnezzar saw in a dream that Jesus would come in the time of the Roman Empire to set up a kingdom which would continue to grow, and would overcome all other kingdoms. We are beginning to experience this, that when we come together we are a dwelling of God in the Spirit, and His Presence manifests among us that is what the glory of God is all about. Our self-paced monthly subscription program for the Joshua Generation. (John 1:17). I am now an atheist to the god I previously worshipped as he never existed other than as a figment of my religious imagination. You should be doing this, you shouldnt be doing that The Father is the one who is going to direct me every day, and He does not give me specific directions very often, other than Hey, lets walk together or Let me show you something.. Petersburg, Florida Area. This event is over, but the recordings are available. 3. We are never going to meet some magical mark of perfect performance. Mike shares and reflects upon the journals of his daily encounters with God in the heavenly realms. Beyond the Physical Realm) In short, covenants are binding agreements, and they are something that God has always used in interacting with people. There is the obvious thing that is on the surface, but there can be layers of truth underneath, which may not be so obvious. Today, Governor Mike Parson signed House Bill 14 into law. He served more than 22 years in law enforcement as the sheriff of Polk County. Live loved Love living Live loving . So look out for all the amazing things that are coming! Partner with us in taking the message of Gods unconditional love, limitless grace and triumphant mercy to all His children. (except Kindle version, only available from the Amazon Kindle store). Then join us from March 8th to 10th, either in person or via the livestream, for Engaging The Father, the first of our Sons Arise! We even speak about the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. I found it so hard. It is the same with your spirit. He is the conclusion, the completeness of everything that God said, to bring us into the reality of that today. Thank you! In the Mirror Bible it says: He associated us in Christ before the fall of the world. Lets focus on being an expression of love ourselves. As we keep the laws, the principles of the kingdom, as we administer righteousness and justice, so we learn to be lords, kings, and sons at that level in the heavenly realms (and also within us). We need to receive that inheritance so that in the situations we will face in the coming days and years, when the worlds systems have broken down, we will be ready with the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit operating in our lives. Now thankfully He did not do that all in one go because it would have completely shattered my mind (which is why the Father has therefore deconstructed my thinking and greatly expanded my consciousness). Two completely different agendas, because if you please yourself you cannot please God (and our flesh does not even want us to understand that). Then Peter had a vision which led him to preach to Cornelius and his family, who were not Jewish but got saved and became part of the church, and in Acts 15 at the Council of Jerusalem James talks about the Tabernacle of David being restored, meaning that the gospel is going out to the whole earth. . That allows us to outwork our destiny in multiple different ways, rather than there being the one way which is the right way, predetermined and predestined. He continually enables us to walk in our destiny: and it is more about who we are than what we do. If so, what is the consequence of not doing them? I dont buy into that anymore. We use the creative power of our consciousness to create reality. This Patreon opportunity is primarily aimed at our YouTube and Sons ofIssachar blog followers but of course its open to everybody. What did God intend us to get from a particular scripture? Join Facebook to connect with Mike Parsons and others you may know. If we live in freedom, then the planet will become free (and not just the planet, but the whole of creation). So Jesus is above everything. He also served in the Missouri House of Representatives from 2005-2011, in the Missouri Senate from 2011-2017, and as Lieutenant Governor in 2017-2018. View all posts by Avril . Higher into the creative light realms, into the heart and mind of God outside of time and space, to engage with who He created you to be? Even the experiences I had, and some of them were good experiences on my journey, which were really fun at the time, but now I realise how limited it all was and that it was only drawing me to go further into something new and greater. We bring the rule of heaven to earth so that we transform not just this planet but the whole of creation our universe and even beyond that which is groaning and longing for the sons of God to be fully revealed. Enveloped with the frequency of His love (with crystal bowl) No, because I am loved unconditionally. Stream, download, watch again and again! For the month of February 2023, Governor Mike Parson granted 22 pardons pursuant to Article IV, Section 7 of the Constitution of the State of Missouri. Yes, God is love, but He cannot look upon sin. By sin they normally mean certain behaviours, but in reality, sin is lost identity. The kingdom has foundations of righteousness, and justice, and it is Gods people who are eventually going to judge angels, and fallen angels. The Commission voted on February 22, 2023, and Dr. Boggs has accepted the position. For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please (Gal 5:17). We saw last time that love wins. Mike Parsons - The Court of Accusation. Engagement around the Arc for mandates The first layer of truth may be literal: Joseph was given a word that Gods people would be 430 years in Egypt and then they would be set free, and history tells us that was how it was. But God said, Will you just trust Me? The cost of the livestream for the Engaging The Father conference is 30 GBP. Mike shares and reflects upon the journals of his daily encounters with God in the heavenly realms. Everything in terms of time is related to the speed of light; and the speed of light has been slowing down as it has moved away from the speed of creative light. In my previous book, My Journey Beyond Beyond, I shared my life story on the quest for true reality in my relationship with God as my Father. That conditioning can be really strong: on my journey of enlightenment and deconstruction that was probably one of the hardest things for God to challenge and to break. Psalm 24:7 says Lift up your heads, O you gates. *Note Sadly, because of abuse by scammers we are unable to offer a click to donate option. That explains why the earth appears to be older than adding up the years in the Bible account would suggest: because it is! the Ancient of Days came and judgment was passed in favor of the saints of the Highest One, and the time arrived when the saints took possession of the kingdom(Dan 7:22). In lieu of . Subscribe today to Engaging God, online equipping for a Joshua Generation. Between 2005 and 2010 I went into that fiery place about four or five times and each time I described it as hell because I had no other reference point. Jesus warned his disciples of the religious and political spirit that would be like leaven, yet my experience, through the churches and movements in which I have been involved, is that our understanding of the New Covenant has invariably been tainted with Old Covenant concepts. So all of the doctrines that were programmed into me about who He was the angry God, the God who needs appeasing, the Old Testament God as opposed to the New Testament God all of these confusing things I finally realised I only believed they were true because I had never actually met Him. 2. So the Old Covenant was immature, and the New Covenant will bring us to maturity, but only if we dont lay another Old Covenant foundation. . (Jeremiah 7:22). That is what God wants to do through us: everything He is, grace, power, mercy, would be channelled through us, and that we would manifest them here on earth. VAT registration number GB297839624. God is not male or female God is a spirit, and encompasses everything because He is infinite. My experiences and encounters with their true reality exploded my limited and restricted understanding that had been framed by my minds religious constructs. The following activations are taken from the Engaging God programme, Click here to find it on your local Amazon site. If we are trying to get our identity from the things we do, that will always result in feelings of condemnation because we will never do enough to satisfy ourselves. . Love must be extreme or it is not love. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. It will also help them engage the pathway of responsibility, learning how to rule from their heavenly mountain spheres of authority using the judicial court systems of heaven. A few years ago there was a huge fuss over so-called hyper-grace. All 29 sessions are now available completely free of charge. I probably would have thought that way initially, and even taught it, but as I have discovered my relationship with God and discovered who I am, I am now just learning to rest, and be, and go with the flow. Terms and conditionsapply. Conferences and Intensives 2018. It will not end when Jesus returns and there are a new heavens and a new earth. His love, expressed as His will, chose us to be restored to face to face, blameless innocence. Making ourselves feel good, using food, shopping, sex, drugs, alcohol. Available wherever books are sold. Self-help, self-expression. It is impossible to keep the Law: Jesus made that very clear. When we become Christians, we enter into a relationship with God in which we are no longer in first place: He is. You can say He is the foundation stone too, because the foundation which the apostles and prophets laid was none other than Jesus (this passage is not saying that the apostles and prophets are the foundation, but that the church is built on the foundation which they laid). I should go to church; I should pray; I should read my Bible; I should witness: God challenged me over these things. These activations are audio only, and are best used in conjunction with the relevant blog posts. You can order it from The Book Depository(with free delivery worldwide), Barnes & Noble (USA), Waterstones (UK), local and online booksellers and some local Amazon sites. There is nothing good about our flesh whatsoever. For the best reading experience we recommend you download the epub file and open it with Google Play Books or Apple Books. Speaker, author and YouTube channel host. Hebrew logic doesnt see things the same way. A top-tier supporter, if they wish, can also create a private group. We do not have to do anything, it is completely free and unconditional. I have some very exciting news that I want to share with you. He sets the agenda of what He wants to deal with when He wants to deal with it and I just have to agree with Him and cooperate with Him. Then, of course, we only would want to do the things that we see the Father doing, not because we should but because it is the desire of our heart to be in relationship with God who loves us in such a wonderful way. freedomarc.org/product/meditation-for-rest/. That deep-seated inspirational drive was at the heart of my quest for knowledge and a reality that always seemed just beyond my grasp. Together they have two grown children and six grandchildren. I love to be like Him who I behold, so if I am face to face with Him, living in the light of His presence, then that will transform me and change me without me trying. He is not angry with you, or disappointed with you. So I fix my eyes on Jesus and on the Father and then I find that I just walk out every day and enjoy it. We walk in His ways here, and we recognise that the kingdom of God is within us, but that we are also connected to the kingdom of God realm in the heavens. Monday 26th July 2021 UK and Thursday 19th August 2021 US EST. (2 Peter 3:8). This journey, full of surprising revelations and experiences, unveiled further dimensions and depths beyond beyond once again. It starts with a desire, it takes discipline, and then it becomes a delight. Yes, His love is a purifying, refining fire, a consuming fire: it will consume every hindrance and objection and anything that comes in the way of us entering into the depth of unconditional love. Every church I have ever been in has always focused on sin. Just live loved, accepting that we are loved in a completely unconditional way: that is the key to this understanding and this experience. However, the ebook will not be sold on the Kindle store. If God accepted their sacrifices and offerings, and if He accepts ours, it is only because He accepts us! So just take a moment to reflect and ask the Father: is there anything in your programming that hindering you from receiving and experiencing unconditional love as He really wants you to experience it? So if we live in that reality, then we can abide, dwell, and remain at rest in that state of conscious awareness that we are loved. Every day we live in rest and that is perpetual replenishment or restoration. Yet much of our preaching of the gospel, particularly in an evangelical setting, has been the opposite of that. He died so that wecould be free from the flesh, because our flesh died with Him. And what I have understood and experienced is that love can only be unconditional. He has no Plan B, C or D. Now, there is a teaching which says He has. events. Judgment is its result Each of this series of blog posts is adapted from Mikes latest FREE video series on Unconditional Love. A variety of ebook files (epub, mobi or AZW) are available from our website. My destiny and calling were to be a forerunner, therefore hindrances and obstacles often characterised the path I was destined to follow. Watch on What is Engaging God? When Jesus went to face the cross, when He was in the Garden of Gethsemane, His soul was in anguish. We do have a destiny, but it is to be who we are. After a while He simply would not give me any information about that: He stopped me from doing, in order to teach me to be. If you search for it on booksellers websites, it tells them. I and the Father are one. (John 10:27-30). Here again we see that Stone which was cut out without hands in Daniel 2. and I will grant you free access As my great friend and fellow traveller, Lindy Strong has said, My past self of ten years ago would probably call my present self a heretic and that was my own experience on this journey. I used to think I would one day have to give account for all those things I havent fulfilled. We rule in light, rule in love, rule in righteous power. Includes many exercises for practice. I am now an atheist to the god I previously worshipped as he never existed other than as a figment of my religious imagination. My experiences and encounters with their true reality exploded my limited and restricted understanding that had been framed by my minds religious constructs. I am a happy heretic, enjoying skiing down the slope of orthodoxy to discover and explore a whole new vista beyond the limits of my understanding. Search for: Tweets by 'TakeHeed' . Full access to all available 'Engaging God' modules, charged at 144 GBP every 12 months. The Engaging God programme is mostly finished Im adding a few sessions here and there and having deconstructed church, Im no longer teaching locally like I used to. Jesus is Gods mind made up about us. Get 2 weeks free then pay just 12 GBP per month (around $17 USD but dollar amount varies slightly each month as the exchange rate changes). Religion always adds a but, but none of those buts contradicts the fact that God is love, other than in the false religious doctrines that create a god who seems to be two-faced, a god who in the Old Testament seems to be angry and needs to be appeased in some way but in the New Testament seems to be loving though even in the New Testament there seems to be wrath and anger. Join Facebook to connect with Mike Parsons and others you may know. It releases us to be ourselves and it stops us from believing we have to perform to earn it or deserve it. Check out Mikes YouTube video How To Enter The Spiritual Realm And Interact With God. The journey itself is important, not a series of destinations, because it is a journey of relationship and that journey will inevitably bring me to a completely fully restored perspective. Read More. It is hard to love unconditionally if you have never really experienced unconditional love yourself. Sons Of Issachar is edited and maintained by Jeremy Westcott on behalf of If that makes no sense to you, look at it this way. He also served in the Missouri House of Representatives from 2005-2011, in the Missouri Senate from 2011-2017, and as Lieutenant Governor in 2017-2018. He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead so that He will come to have first place in everything. Righteousness reveals it You have to persevere. This journey, full of surprising revelations and experiences, unveiled further dimensions and depths beyond beyond once again. Or you can click the blue button to email us about making a one-time donation. interactive modular subscription programme developed by Mike Parsons. But what it came down to was this: Trust in the Lord with all your heart I want to subscribe to Engaging God! Now I am not looking anymore for my mandate for the day or how I am going to fulfil it. I am a farmer and with my wife of 30 years, Mrs. Parsons and I raise organic hay, dairy goats, horses, rabbits, chickens and for 38 years I have raised wolves. Equipping a Joshua Generation of supernatural sons of God And Hebrews 6:1-2 are very misunderstood verses. Mobile court of accusation It is not as if He cannot rewrite the script to enable His purposes to be fulfilled, in ways which are beyond our ability to understand. Freedom Apostolic Resources, Freedom Apostolic Resource Centre, and Freedom ARC are trading names of Freedom Apostolic Ministries Ltd., a company registered in England. Company number 10359676. Or you can use the blue button to contact us about making a one-time gift. Speaker, author and YouTube channel host. We have come to understand that, contrary to what we may have been told, carrot and stick, punishment and reward, are not His way of doing things. Purchase your copy online from The Book Depository (free delivery worldwide),Barnes & Noble (USA)orWaterstones (UK)or order from your local bookstore. When we start doing that, we remove those hierarchical authorities from the atmosphere of the earth, and we can rule. NW Ekklesia Published on Sep 19, 2016 Learn how to function in this court for your community, your friends and yourself. *Technology permitting: automated process on receipt of payment and completion of online registration form. Literally, He sweat drops of blood, He was in so much anguish. Living in dual realms receiving revelation in this realm sensing connection The more we do so, the more we will bring the kingdom of God on the earth, both in us and through us, so that we shine with the glory of God. Satan's Secrets; . The verdict of the judge, in light of the victory of Jesus through the cross, is that all mankind is innocent, not guilty, justified and righteous. When we are born again and our spirit comes alive, that has to change. Cost: 5 GBP (typically less than $7 USD depending on exchange rate). Terms and conditions apply. For it was the Fathers good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven (Colossians 1:13-20). that there is a demand for the book. (Hebrews 10:5-6, 8-9). Or you can scroll down for more written information. That is why I believe in the restoration of all things. As I mentioned before, that involves seeing things from a Hebrew rather than a Western viewpoint. If I just enjoy being where I am and continue the journey, it will take me to where I will be. We didnt need to do anything, He did it all! Being sinless, because He loved us so much, He was willing to go to the cross and take our sin, our flesh, our self, and be crucified. The course was designed to take around 3 years to complete, but we are confident that you will begin to find benefit within a few days or weeks. There is no guilt, shame or condemnation within unconditional love: they are just religious concepts which will keep us coming back for more religion. For example, if you get what you think is a revelation that tells you to go off and rob the person down the road, you will know it is not God. (Dave. Governor Parson is a veteran who served six years in the U.S. Army. It is so important that we do not mix covenants by embracing Old Covenant understandings. "I got broken metacarpals, I got torn labrums and abductors and surgeries." "I got broken metacarpals, I got torn labrums . The relevant blog posts in has always focused on sin meet some magical mark of perfect.., using food, shopping, sex, drugs, alcohol a teaching which says He has how enter! Its open to everybody amazing love transaction that dealt with the legal consequences mankinds! 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