russian slang insults

Also, Russians often use this word unnecessarily to emphasize their frustration. Meaning: F*ck. A derivative of Pizda, slightly less offensive. In prison slang, a goat is someone who informs to the prison administration, and this is a deadly insult. 7. --- ), (Its better if we dont drink today). to shake a pear tree with your d*ck), = may your children sh*t in your soup, = may a d*ck grow on your forehead, = I dont give a sh*t about your opinion, = I hate my sh*tty job, = I dont give a f*ck about your problems. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. "Pidoraz Inorodniy"- Foreign Pervert/Pederast- Pidoraz or Pidar' means a pervert and is . It's said to be a shortened version of the statement, "Let's begin our goodbyes.". 5. In slang, almost anyone can be a mother or . Today its one of the most common bad Russian words. It happens rarely, but when a Russian finds themselves in an odd situation, they say, Only a dick knows what happens ( ) [Khuy znayet chto]. 25. 16. Anita Powell. Well, that and a new world economic order. I'm currently writing a novel which takes place in the future, several decades after a third world war is fought between NATO and a Sino-Russian-Iranian alliance. In the Asian part of old Russia, mimra meant to be surly, to be a homebody.It was thought women sitting at home always wore dirty old clothing, messy hair and were generally untidy. Khuy(): Cock. ), Perfect! Examples? Youve now got access to my most effective [level] Italian tips, Perfect! Here, in no particular order, is a short glossary of Ukrainian and Russian slurs and profanities (thestrongest ones tend to be shared by both languages) that might help you decipher the social media footage from Putins war. You know, a name of a person. It's worth noting "vi" is not always . , . In the Russian language, it also exists. Your email address will not be published. 1. My crime? This word, at last, is very close to its English use. However, it is extremely important that you do not use these curse words ( ) from the Russian swearing section below when you are in Russia, as some of them . Texas slang. Its a very rude word and just like the English version, it has multiple meanings. 6. Finallywe get there! This silly post is your definitive guide on a massive 244 Russian Swear Words, Slang, Phrases, Insults and Expletives, or How To Swear In Russian! Both these words are equally harsh terms for a stupid guy. Not a terrible swear word though. So thats where the negativity came bout. She holds a Diploma in Translation (IoLet Level 7) from the Chartered Institute of Linguists. While some insults are broadly accessible, like your mom, others will require a little background for the new student. If Russia's elites are not assured a place in the country's future, then it's naive to expect their support in deposing the Kremlin dictator. / im telling the truth (lit. 3. ), ! But later someone asked me: Why ? Clutch is when a player outnumbered in a match takes down the opposing players one by one and wins the round. Enter your email address below to get free access to my Rules of Language Learning and discover 25 rules to learn a new language quickly and naturally through stories. This phrase is likely based on an old Latin proverb, and idioms about making an elephant out of a fly exist in several languages. When something bad and unexpected happens, a Russian will remark Fuck your mother! ( !) In eastern Ukraine, xenophobia and homophobia go hand in hand as people take their cues from Putin's policies. is a very popular word in Russian. No language-learning journey is complete if you haven't yet amassed a couple of very rude words and phrases to use when you're feeling bold. Youve now got access to the Japanese Vocab Power Pack, Enter your email address below to get free access to my Japanese Vocab Power Pack and learn essential Japanese words and phrases quickly and naturally. (ALL levels! , , ! The russian term for the west is, I believe, zapad. Translated from Russian: Perhot' podzalupnaya. We use cookies to provide you the best experience on our website. Or Vashu Mat (B ): Your mother, which is just the second half of its longer equivalent, and slightly less offensive. 15. = I used to only think about fucking and never about love. 18. Now heres one of the really bad Russian words. One can say youre like a bear, when a person is particularly clumsy or indelicate, but there is no immediate recognition of the meaning. We presents most popular Russian slang words, phrases, sayings. It seems that in Russian you can call someone an animal name and it makes sense! Literal definition: None. Youve now got access to my most effective [level] Korean tips, Perfect! An excessive, incessant talker or chatterer. Learning a few Russian curse words will go a long way in terms of self-expression. ), If someone is truly adisgusting monster, you can call him a but, foryour own safety, say it behind his back andvery quietly. Terms of Service & Privacy Policy. Although this word technically means "to fumble," it's become popular as a slang term for knowing or understanding something. It's very funny to read this, when you are Russian Our language is too hard to understand, especially phrases like " " (yes no . Another meaning of the word zaraza is an infectious disease. (They behaved like wolves ina sheep pen, those monsters thedregs ofsociety.). This doesn't even make sense, but it's pretty insulting. I would translate it as "that's relatable". ), #37 ! This is a real world insult more common in British . ("Glossary of Army Slang," US Army PR, 1941 .) Ass dandruff! Khuy is arguably the bedrock of Russian profanity,most commonly usedin the expression Idina khuy! (!) VOA News. Calling someone a dog would mean you disapprove: My cat has knocked over the flower pots again, the dog!. Russian curse words are quite an art form. The Russian language is filled with amusing (and sometimes confusing) slang terms, some of which have existed for centuries. ? The main thing about swearing in Russian is the attitude. Cool? Good roasts to use on your friends and enemies the next time they annoy you. . Treatises have been written on the glories of Slavic swearing and the difference between Russian (genitalia-focused) and Ukrainian (more copro-centric) swear words. The culture of Russia is rich with foundational work by these well-known writers. Hallo, Pooh, you're just in time for a little smackerel of something Khuylo(): Dickhead. (ALL levels! Most commonly usedin the expressionYobtvoyumat():Fuck Your Mother! The worst of the worst insults related to being on the receiving end of oral sex, since the mouth was the most sacred of body parts. The Russian language is amazingly descriptive, and alongside the many adjective and metaphorical expressions, curse words are also abundant. Home banner image Andrei Shishkin. Calling a girl a cow would be a great insult - this means she is fat and clumsy. ct (shit) ni (pan) la (paddy) lu (tent) ln (a less extreme synonym of "ln") Those words are randomly picked just to show just exactly how versatile "vi" can be. Be careful with this one when talking to Russian men. Calling someone "ass dandruff" is a phenomenal insult that should absolutely be adopted by everyone. I won't leave any comment regarding this, since I see these phrases for the first time and they're pretty weird. The beasts of the Russian linguistic menagerie. Some WWII-era American Military Slang: Army strawberries: Prunes. T . Join my email newsletter and get FREE access to your StoryLearning Kit discover how to learn languages through the power of story! Enter your email address below to get free access to my Natural Russian Grammar Pack and learn to internalise Russian grammar quickly and naturally through stories. That is because originally, the term did not have any negative connotations. Ready? Hapa Haole. Use of . It could not be otherwise because the word referred to the remains of the rain and precipitation on the ground. Orvelin Valle. Cienias This is a pretty straightforward way to call someone a loser, but the connotations here are rich. There is no certain answer as to how the current meaning of the word naglec came about. Please note, the Russian slang below is generally suitable for everyday informal use among friends. Note, you can apply this Ti (insert word) for most of the bad Russian words youll learn here. Gotta memorize. arsehole | asshole. It's even worse if it was done intentionally. . 14. Youve now got access to the Natural Italian Grammar Pack, Perfect! Having an illegitimate child was considered shameful and disgraceful for the ruler and the kingdom. This slang version of "goodbye" entered the language in the 1990s, first as a way of ending a telephone call and later as a more general way of saying goodbye. So, [Chmo] means Schmuck in Russian. Cyka blyat spread online thanks to the 2012 video game Counter Strike: Global Offensive, which has a large Russian playerbase.Swearing in video games is common practice, and CS:GO allows players from many countries to play on the same game servers.CS:GO also relies heavily on teamwork and communication, so a Russian player who refuses to speak English (the leading language) might quickly lose. Youve now got access to the Spanish Vocab Power Pack, Perfect! So, how did some of the Russian language's most recognizable insults actually become "bad words?" Idiot (, durak) Probably the most widespread insult in Russian (if we don't count actual swearing). Pls don't translate "fuck you" as " "/" ", it sounds as if it was translated via machine translation software and you'll be laughed upon pretty quickly. Incolloquial Russian, can mean avery ugly person unattractive tothe point ofdeformity: , . That being said, "idiots" appeared in Russia pretty recently. , , . 7. Historically bastards, the illegitimate children of the king were called this way. Much the same as "buffle head," "cabbage head," "chowder head," "cod's head" all signifying stupidity and weakness of intellect; a fool. However,it is extremely important that you do not use these curse words ( ) from the Russian swearing section below when you are in Russia, as some of them are illegal to use in public. Can also be used to mean something like clusterfuck, or an irreparably fucked-up situation, like Putins invasion of Ukraine. How to generate a full-time income from home with your English even with ZERO previous teaching experience. Perfect! 6. We humans are all tropical people at heart. = pass the m*ther*cking vodka! Ganking is a gaming slang most commonly used in . The Tokyo region does have some slang used most often in that area, though. Flatline: Die or kill. Lesson provided by RussianPod101 (click here for more lessons). If something is equal, its cockual/dickual () [Odnokhuystvenno]. 12 Common Hand Gestures in the US That Will Insult People in Other Countries, 29 Phrases To Get You Started Learning Pidgin English, Does Duolingo Actually Work? Published May 13, 2020 07:33:50. ), . Click here to find out more. (Super models are afreak show people you can't even look atwithout weeping.) (lit. Anoffshoot ofthe verb (to give birth), its primary meaning is aperson with some physical or mental deformity or impairment. The Russian government claims the move is necessary to promote "the protection and development of linguistic culture." The words: The four big words being censored are khuy, a slang term for male . A call for anti-western slang/swears/insults. Press J to jump to the feed. - pleasure, fun, enjoyment, a high. Your mother wouldve named you this! From the brave defenders of a Ukrainian island in the Black Sea telling a Russian warship to Go fuck yourself!, to an Odessa MP delivering a curt Fuck you, Lavrov! to the foreign minister of Russia, Vladimir Putins latest neo-imperialistadventure has already produced some pretty loud F-bombs. f*ck me in the mouth), = Im exhausted (lit. Pizdets (): Shit. Hi all! The Arts Editor since 2015, Michele A. Berdy writes about Russian and Soviet art, music, theater, film and literature. Most people just throw the finger now instead of making a fig. What can we dobetter? Ona lovely morning not long ago, I skipped across my courtyard tomy car anddiscovered anote onthe windshield. Check out the Russian phrases you'll need to use when you are angry. "9 Russian Slang Words Every Russian Learner Should Know." Get the week's best stories straight to your inbox. (2020, August 27). ), #12 (dangerous, weird, unpleasant, frightening), #13 (lame, disgraceful, totally uninteresting), #14 (awkward, ill-fitting, inappropriate), #15 (dude, guy, an unspecified male), #20 (Nerd, brain (literally botanist)), #21 (police officer (not a compliment)), #22 (office worker (derogatory)), #23 (an American (but more rude)), #26 (to hype, to talk something up), #34 (What the hell!, holy s*@t! PTN PNH (,): Putin, go fuck yourself! " what?! In general, for anything extremely unpleasant. This is one of those bad Russian words that Russians use a lot. someone who says nice things to someone in order to get something from them. Laino, Givno, Dermo (, , o): Shit. Now, dog serves as an abusive interjection, when one wants to express annoyance. The adjective [nagliy] was originally used to address someone acting who acts quickly, rapidly. It all started well. If you have any recommendations for what else should be there, I'll also add it in to make this a more helpful resource! Ukrainians are very proud people and considering the recent rise of patriotism, they definitely resent such a term Russian Curse Words for Describing People 8. (noun) - idiot; moron. #49 now instead of But leave that to the pros for now and get started with the basic swear words that you are very likely to hear in Russia. I recommend the site. Enter your email address below to get free access to my Natural Portuguese Grammar Pack and learn to internalise Portuguese grammar quickly and naturally through stories. Russian people tend to use the phrase 'zhizn' ebet meya,' which means 'life is f*cking me.'. Any liquid remaining at the bottom of a dish with the residue was called padonki. It only really appeared in the Russian lexicon in the second . And when facing something weird or unexplainable, they may say its a bonking power! ( !) While its meaning is approximately the same as, it's a more casual and informal term. Youve now got access to my most effective [level][language] tips, Enter your email address below to get free access to my Spanish Vocab Power Pack and learn essential Spanish words and phrases quickly and naturally. Russians dont say I need to use a bathroom they proclaim I need to pour out ( ) [Nado otlit]. Reddit. If you REALLY want to learn Russian with effective Audio & Video lessons by real teachers Sign up for free at (click here) and start learning! Pizda (): Cunt. Quote. --- Your email address will not be published. ), ? Ganking. T he result of a curious research of Language Sciences shows that the mastery of slurs and taboo words actually signifies the richness of vocabulary and mental flexibility. Don't hold yourself back from saying what you're thinking. - generic exclamation of utter frustration and a buzzword. Calling a woman a female equivalent of a goat (koza) is a bit less insulting, it means a careless or a silly girl. 2. Well, not quite. Listen while you read. is used to address a person whose behavior is not a good fit for the situation or inappropriate.Today the term is somewhat offensive, but in the past, only young men who were for some reason not a good fit for the army were called negodniy ( ) or negodyai. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Young people and kids use this word all the time. Putinkhuylo! fig with him/with her), () = annoyed (lit. This is a Russian verb in the meaning 'to copulate.'. Youve now got access to the Italian StoryLearning Pack, Perfect! - "Fuck . (Pass me that little thingamajig), ! Here are a few: ( cho ): Very, totally. - The word " " is a slang version of "brother". This website uses cookies. This is a subreddit for people looking to learn Russian and all things related to the Russian language. Its success comes from its multifunctionalityother words can be added in front, e.g.,suka blyatto form limitless new insults that mean whatever you want them to. It looks odd to me as well, but I can't come up with a good sounding way to translate it while preserving the word "ass". . Besides, the word "" doesn't exist, it's just a modern attempt to bypass the anti-swear wordfilter. or ?, you swear just a little. He also chases his tail for entertainment. is a way of shortening the farewell without appearing impolite. E Komo Mai. Meanings and analogues of real slang expressions in English. Or it can mean someone who is acomplete imbecile, afreak ofnature. But now, with their country fighting off a Russian invasion, they might just rank as the sweariest people on Earth. Oh, if you want to learn Russian with a complete Russian learning program 1000+ audio/video lessons by real teachers click here to visit RussianPod101 and try them for yourself. How To Speak Russian! horseradish knows), = nothing (lit. One suggestion, do you think you could make an example sentence for each? ), Enter your email address below to get free access to my French Vocab Power Pack and learn essential French words and phrases quickly and naturally. that the Russians use as a nasty ethnic slur against Ukrainians: such as Go home to Chernobyl, Khokhol! (The Ukrainians have similar slurs for Russians, includingKatsap, or billy goat, referring to old Russian men with beards.). Youve now got access to the Natural Russian Grammar Pack, Perfect! Alluding to the selfish and sometimes aggressive behavior of geese, calling someone a goose would mean the person is predictably looking after himself and quite cunning: Dont count on him too much, hes such a goose.. And the verb " " - has the meaning "to be burned out". Naive fool. Sign up below and get instant access to the free package! Meaning welcome or enter, "E Komo Mai," is perhaps one of the most common phrases you'll hear in Hawaii. In the 20th century, the Russian language absorbed a lot of words from criminal slang, because a large part of the population did time in jail before and after World War II. Like my dog. Clutch. Retrieved from AndI realized that what theworld really needs is aguide tocommon Russian insults, nasty names andslangy curses. 14. The initial meaning "a man of non-noble origin" somehow turned into "a man doing dirty business behind one's back.". Russia is now more domestically repressive than at any other time in its recent history. Historical documents from the XV-XVII centuries show that this word was a name. Low-key generally means "quiet," "restrained," "moderate," or "easygoing.". What is your current level in [language]? ( hazui ): Embarrassing. Its an informal swear word and h does not have any semantic meaning. And, it can also mean scoundrel, scum or a bastard. Putin and Zelensky trade insults at press conferences. Whether you want it or not by saying,Can she consume dairy? Opachki () or just ohpa (), is slang for like "woah", like when surprised more or less, I was told by a Russian speaking friend that its one of those words that doesn't really translate to English, and isn't a real word in Russian. Youve now got access to the German Vocab Power Pack, Perfect! (ALL levels!). Just add the word "SHIPMATE" to the insult to take it to the next level. But you want to learn some bad Russian words and swear, huh? When you disappear, it's a beautiful day. Pizda(): Cunt. With thanks to Svitlana Haverstock for linguistic advice. (Not that I'll ever be able to pronounce this word well, my American accent is so thick. Jewish slang has been adopted with open arms by the English language. I've never heard it or anything close to it. Youve now got access to my most effective [level] Cantonese tips, Ive written some simple emails explaining the techniquesIve used to learn 8 languages, After I started to use your ideas, I learn better, for longer, with more passion. 3. This modern slang is more common in a company of youngsters. Dear Friends! Also, if you want an audio lesson on Russian greetings, just press the play button on the player below. During the time when hunting with birds was a favorite pastime for the Tsar and Russian nobility, a brave or handsome man was compared to an eagle or a falcon. X (Khui) - "Dick" While it translates to "dick", it transforms into a catch-all dirty word, like for the next phrase. 15. If I could make something to help you right now, what would it be? , ! Short for ( hazukashii ). (You gonna eat that? The following 1,900+ words and expressions are rude, naughty and generally not something you would say in front of your mother (this is an alternative Russian slang dictionary, after all). = who knows? Youve now got access to my most effective [level] German tips. Looking for world-class training material to help you make a breakthrough in your language learning? Cowardly, fearful. Khokhol():From anold Cossack surname (remember Nikolai Gogol?) Its more like prison slang or the "gopnik language" as he called it . Of real slang expressions in English slang expressions in English like clusterfuck, or goat! A long way in terms of self-expression more lessons ) this is a real insult! 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Lesson provided by RussianPod101 ( click here for more lessons ) dog would mean disapprove! ] Korean tips, Perfect be careful with this one when talking to Russian men exclamation of frustration! These well-known writers models are afreak show people you ca n't even look atwithout weeping )... Word technically means `` to fumble, '' it 's even worse if it was done.! Is because originally, the word & quot ; is a real world insult more common in British &... Make something to help you right now, with their country fighting off Russian... The finger now instead of making a fig is acomplete imbecile, afreak ofnature, A.! The next time they annoy you one suggestion, do you think you could make an example for. Can mean avery ugly person unattractive tothe point ofdeformity:, considered shameful and disgraceful for the first time they. So, [ Chmo ] means Schmuck in Russian is the attitude child was considered shameful and for... 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