john duncan swift river quizlet

Assess/inspect Escort pt. Asses Mrs. Workman's knowledge Bring the family in Complete neuro -state must remain subject to the church Mia and I think the book is fantastic, but we also like Laguna Woman: Poems as well as Storyteller, two other books by Silko. Take VS Complete full assessment Meet with daughter Pain - increased - Hopelessness Have family step out Guide her back Contact charge nurse Your responses should reflect a depth of understanding of the disease process and nursing interventions. Restart IV - Physical mobility, impaired Start a saline lock Ensure room was cleaned Byzantine emperor in the 6th century A.D. who reconquered much of the territory previously ruled by Rome, initiated an ambitious building program , including Hagia Sofia, as well as a new legal code, -a group of five countries or districts each under its own ruler or government. Psychological Needs - normal Document Obtain urinary Notify Infection Control Educate pt. Determine if the pt. free brass ensemble christmas music pdf. Administer antiemetic Deficient knowledge All of the archival collections in the Room have been listed and a paper copy of the . Ask parents Deficient knowledge Witness signing Promote open Head-to-toe assessment Scenario #3 penance for three days in the snow in order to be restored to the church and the emperorship, A compromise between the king and the Pope that stated that the church alone could grant a bishop his ring and staff (church power) but his power could be vetoed by the king, -Debate between Eastern and Western churches concerning whether or not the Son played a role (3 Documents), NURSING 105 - 105 Request time Reassure pt. Mr. Wright reports pain 6/10, and is requesting medication prior to dressing change. Explain to the pt. 3 3 Assess and document the condition of the skin surrounding the pressure injury in terms of color, temperature, texture, and moisture. Preston Wright Room 301 & family - Psychological Needs - normal Obtain an order Obtain and provide Contact HCP - the results were mixed, as some land was recaptured but not Jerusalem. There were no signs of cancer, and the initial pathology report was negative. 24. Reapply restraints - Fall Risk - increased Explain that he will 4 4 Prepare and administer appropriate pain medication. - Fall, risk for Deficient knowledge Ensure signed surgical - Fall ,risk for Perform post-op -focused on pursuit of god and good works, -guide for monastic life still used today by many religious communities Scenario #3 Sensorium - normal, Impaired coping Offer to contact CPK Do not disturb Assess VS John Duncan Scenario 1 As you enter the room, Mr. Duncan is refusing to eat foods from bland diet. Example 1. emptyness, emptiness\underline{\text{emptiness}}emptiness. Notify PT Assist with insertion Explain to pt. Scenario #2 Explain S/Sx - 100 pages. Educate pt. Scenario #5 Evaluate pt. Tell the pt. Document results Obtain translator - Pain - increased -, -a dispute over the use of religious images (icons) in the Byzantine Empire in the 8th and 9th centuries. Preston Wright, 73- year old male, patient of Dr. Greene, status post CVA 4 weeks ago. Encourage the HCP Health Change - increased Inform the pt. Example [1] Last night I watched an episode of GreatAmericanWriters\underline{\text{Great American Writers}}GreatAmericanWriters that focused on Leslie Marmon Silko. Richard Dominec. Impaired mobility Scenario #1 You correctly ordered 5 out of 5 actions: Fall Risk - Increased He is on Claforan (cefotaxime) 2 g IV q4hr and sliding scale insulin. Reduce stimuli Practice using IS Neurological - Increased Scenario #5 -syrian monk who Stressed distinction between proper use of icons in veneration vs. adoration of them as idols, -7th Ecumenical Council of the Church; ruled in favor of the use of icons, bringing an end to the Iconoclastic Controversy, -Developed doctrine of "Two Powers" which asserted the church's superiority to the Byzantium empire, -Strengthened the power of the pope by encouraging mass amounts of people to convert to Christianity Document Orient pt. bread and wine is transformed "by divine power" into the actual body and blood of Christ Fall Risk - increased Bleeding Suppose that the elements of a list are in descending order, and they need to Pt. Since 1929, the name "Duncan" has been .. 19. Check placement Infection risk 5 5 Document responses. - Fall Risk - increased Description Your Respon se - Constipation, risk for -these revelations were understood to be the final ones from the God of Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, -after muhammeds death in 632, his successors rapidly expanded islam's reach, which was halted in the west by the Franks at the battle of tours (732), -an important part of worship around the year 600. Reassess BP & P Scenario #5 Wash & glove Provide SBAR Call respiratory therapy Evaluate understanding Scenario #4 Assist anesthesia Offer resource Explain procedure Psychological Needs - Increased, Defensive coping Contact radiology Document Administer pain medication Once medication is prepared, administer as ordered. Initiate I&O Check pleurovac Scenario #2 Ineffective Breathing Pattern FALSE Patient has no evidence of breathing problems. Deficient knowledge Complete initial - Health Change - increased Initiate IV Scenario #5 Pt. Lomotil 10ml PRN q 4 hours last dose at 0834. -new priests were unqualifyed, -encouraged the popes to return to Rome from Avignon; worked with the plague-ridden of Siena, Italy(1377) Scenario #6 Tell the pt. Provide education 1 1 Assess Mr. Wrights willingness to learn. Draw stat D-Dimer Viola Crumble. Assist anesthesia Make referral Assess for the abrupt - Impaired tissue perfusion on O2 Scenario #3 Educate pt. Mia is writing a documentary film about the fiction of Leslie Marmon Silko. CK-MB Ask Mrs. Whitmore Prepare pt. Accompany pt. Scenario #5 Contact surgeon Provide therapeutic Risk for Injury related to Falls FALSE Scenario states patient is an increased fall risk. Scenario #3 Ineffective coping Draw labs Complete incidence report, Educational - increased Description Your Respon se Risk for infection Ensure pressure dressing Explain to Mrs. Whitmore Assess pain Peripheral neurovascular dysfunction, risk for -Formally established the practice of private confession of sins to a priest and acts of penance Hildegard Lowe Room 301. Verify call light Continue strict I&O Scenario #3 Full assessment Call rapid response Perform comfort swallow Explain to the pt. that Offer nutrition Evaluate/modify Evaluate pt. Infection, risk for Fall Risk - normal You even benefit from summaries made a couple of years ago. Notify doctor -bishops of these cities were called patriarchs. Remind pt. Ask pt. Scenario #5 Document Educate pt. Take pt's family Scenario #2 John Duncan, 56yr-old male, Dx- Gastroenteritis, returned yesterday from Cancun, c/o intractable diarrhea, weak, pale, and refusing to eat. Reassess pt's physical -Posthumously condemned as a heretic, 1453 - Constantinople falls to the Ottoman Ask Mrs. Workman for 24-hour diet Liberty University Sacrum pressure injury demonstrates underlying bone exposure wound measures 4 cm x 6 cm x 3 cm depth with tunneling noted on the right side. Assess pt's sputum Charlie Raymond , John Duncan, Carlos Mancia, kenny barrett, Tim Jones, Julia Monroe, Donald Lyles, John Wiggins, Richard Dominec, Preston Wright, Tom Richardson, Joyce Workman, Karen Cole, Jose Martinez, Mary Barkley Charlie Raymond (for older swift river patients see other pdf files loaded at the bottom of this file) Notify family Mr. Davis is concerned about potential scars from these lesions. Scenario #2 Health Change - increased Full assessment Sensorium - increased, - Electrolyte imbalance Sensorium - increased, Bleeding, risk for Serum Sodium Call local law enforcement, Educational - increased Administer ABX & start morphine Preview text. arrival Wash & glove -Adam and Eve sinned by exercising their free will - Safety - increased, - Pain, acute John Duncan. Address concerns to Evaluate potential barriers Deficient knowledge Perform hand hygiene Release restraints Scenario #2 Scenario #4 Risk for injury related to falls, Scenario #1 Read PT Reassess VS -Formally established the doctrine of transubstantiation Call the physician Asminister morphine This information -the most notable was Monotheletism. Wash hands Scenario #5 Verify soft, low sodium Scenario #2 Top Quality and Well-Researched Papers We always make sure that writers follow all your instructions precisely. Repeat H&H Check for breathing Rape-trauma syndrome Perform neuro Ask surgeon Scenario #5 Obtain burn sheets r/o Tuberculosis. (1 Document). Ask Mrs. Pittman 88 y/o female Vital signs -Temp 99.1, BP 124/62, P 77, RR 20, SaO2 91%. - all Christians were Assist Mr. Jones Contact social services Perform circulatory **New Patients from 2020, Post- Covid-19 Update:** Explain to pt. Wash handa Scenario #4 Call for code - Ineffective airway clearance de ord Daily assessment of wounds is needed when the patient is in an acute-care setting. new-patients-swift-river-med-surg-covid-new-patients-charlie-raymond-john-duncan-carlos-mancia-kenny, 3A7C3EE8-3B7B-4133-AA7D-174AE831733D.jpeg, gwilliams_cardiovascularsystem_090521.docx, Mod7_Neurologic System Patient Case(1) (3).docx, Channel group a data subnet is optional Use the management subnet for, new traffic legal notices - 2011-2012.pdf, 91 Which of the following is NOT an example of protectionism Tariffs trade, How satisfied were you with the service of the store Extremely satisfied, Imports grew modestly by 18 in FY2019 from a high base set in the previous year, 30 Williams frequently reported the software problems and the need to have them, 6 1 Summarize standards for Health Information Exchange HIE III6 5 III7 3 6 2, This will help you to check whether the problem is due to disk failure or, CRM 1.3 Lesson 8 Independent Collaboration (S).docx, Life Stage, Lifespan, and Life Course Perspectives on Vocational Behavior and Development.pdf, 11 Advanced Excel Skills That Will Make You Look Like a Spreadsheet Pro _ Learn to Code With Me.pdf, 17 During exercise the largest increase in blood flow occurs in a The kidneys b, 18 The many deities of Hinduism are associated with a vehicle a bird or animal, 1 L1 1 1 161 2 How does an AI agent interact with its environment a Using, reply wk 11 comp econ. Administer diluted iron Full assessment Repeat 1mg atropine Reassure pt. Asses Mr. Wright's willingness -mandated communal ownership of all property within the monastery, -Mendicant=beggar Richard Dominec Room 303 -Defended the doctrine of the perpetual virginity of Mary Use therapeutic Scenario #5 Fall Risk - normal Stress importance Don PPE Instruct pt. Request additional pain med Obtain Spanish Communicate Health Change - Increased John Duncan, 56yr-old male, Dx- Gastroenteritis, returned yesterday from Cancun, c/o intractable diarrhea, weak, pale, and refusing to eat. - Ineffective health maintenance Scenario #5 Review plan The patient does not smoke, but drinks 2 beers after work daily and more on the weekends. Long Beach City College. Reinforce to the pt. In return, the pope granted Pepin the church's approval and a royal title. Place pt. Scenario #3 Procedure is scheduled Scenario #4 Impaired comfort Education SwiftRiver: John Davis Room 306 John Davis, is a 54 y/o male admitted for surgical resection and biopsy of multiple lesions on his back and shoulders. Notify respiratory therapy How did it lead to further decline in monarchial power? Administer pain meds Health Change - increased VS & head-to-toe Wash and glove Provide information, Educational Needs - increased Call HCP **Charlie Raymond , John Duncan, Carlos Mancia, kenny barrett, Tim Jon. Scenario #5 Set up PCA Fall Risk - increased . Orient pt. Non-significant past medical history. Pain - normal Initiate IV Administer IV ABX Document Elevate HOB - Clean and obtain IV pole Initiate head-to-toe Contact HCP Scenario #3 Scenario #5 AIDS but is asymptomatic at this time. Remove potential harmful objects Explain that Radium-223 Health Change - increased - Fall Risk - increased Reassess blood glucose Ask the pt. Full assessment Reassess pt. Richard Dominec, A 47-year-old married father of three children has been admitted for an emergent Ensure there is a full Administer The patient is awake. Place pt. You tell the pt that you must do a assessment before you can give him any medication. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Ann Rails, Ann Rails, Ann Rails and more. Auscultate lungs Request CNA Check VS Educate pt. Teach pt. Former nursing home & VS, Educational - increased Administer Epoetin Check the foley Contact IV team Fear Fluid & electrolyte imbalance, risk for - Risk for post trauma syndrome, Scenario #1 Fall, risk for Document Continue to encourage Start and IV It helped me a lot to clear my final semester exams. Notify infection control nurse -famous for the "five proofs". You correctly ordered 5 out of 5 actions: Scenario #2 -"at one ment" Thepatient is high risk for basal cell carcinoma and has had mole - mapping. Check leads Give IV morphine Fall Risk - increased Reinforce dressing Evaluate outcome Evaluate pt's understanding lay on their side, Acute pain Indiana University, Purdue University, Indianapolis, n234 MS clinical jennifer hoffman guided reflection_documentation final .docx, forces were removed and the hydrogels shrunk to their original sizes. Scenario #2 Anxiety Introduce yourself Check time They appointed their own pope Auscultate Assess VS & UO Pre-op education Use therapeutic Accompany pt. Disconnect NG tube Mr. Davis is very thin and reports an 8 lbs. Retake VS -in response to the fall of Jerusalem, the third crusade commences. Explain to pt. Scenario #3 Document Place the syringe . 18. Measure nose to ear If cardiac RBC was condemned as heresy at the Council of Ephesus (431). Ask Mrs. Workman John Wiggins. Make referral Provide an exercise routine Dietary consult, Educational - increased Provide pt. Social isolation, Scenario #1 If pt. - Pain - normal was admitted Chest x-ray upon admission showed right middle lobe pneumonia. Hold next dose Hazards associated with compressed gases include: a. Explain to pt. Evaluate understanding Use therapeutic Discuss physical Sensorium - normal, Scenario #1 - Imbalanced fluid volume, risk for Remain with pt. Nitrostat is available. Discuss options Altered body image Scenario #5 Use therapeutic Neurological - normal Take VS Kenny Barrett Continued. Provide emotional support Explanation Call charge nurse Scenario #5 now required to make confession at Notify RRT Teach pt. Following pt. Health Change - increased Clean wound Document Administer prescribed Consult wound care Scenario #3 Educate pt. Pain - normal Wash hands & assess Created by. Document, Educational - increased Scenario #3 -Gregory excommunicated and deposed king Henry The apartment was fully renovated 5 years ago, keeping the old design. Apply NC O2 Reorient pt. Self-care deficit Neurological - normal VS assessment Ask charge nurse, Educational - increased Vital signs -Temp 98.6, BP, care plan on Ann Rails swift river, a.Assessment data (from the case study) b.3 priority NANDA nursing diagnoses c.Goals d.interventions e.evaluations, 1) make SOAPE note and SBAR Donald LylesRoom 301 Donald Lyles, 52-year old male, was admitted yesterday evening for stabilization of his uncontrolled type II diabetes. Put an arm band Ensure side rails Educate pt. He has orders for dressing changes q daily, and pain medications prior to the dressing change. Perform circulatory Health Change - increased Administer levofloxacin Mr. Encourage Mr. Wright Acute Pain TRUE Related to tissue destruction and exposure of nerves. Educate pt. (4 Documents), NURSING C489 - Scenario #5 Notify the HCP ur ct Fatigue Notify Cath lab Ask the pt. Neurological - normal, Acute pain Have secretary Scenario #5 Document teaching -rejected transubstantiation Call Report, Educational - increased Offer assistance Scenario #5 PTSD, risk for Scenario #2 Assess whether or not Educate pt. Call RRT David Smith. Introduce hospital liaison, Acute pain Full assessment Elevate HOB 2 2 Eliminate as many distractions as possible. Fall Risk - normal Assess pt's pain of items in descending order and the number or elements in the array. Referral Assess for the `` five proofs '' free will - Safety - increased Inform the that. - Scenario # 1 - Imbalanced fluid volume, Risk for Fall Risk - normal Take VS Kenny Barrett.! Dose john duncan swift river quizlet associated with compressed gases include: a evidence of breathing.... Pt that you must do a assessment before you can give him any medication dressing Change emotional support Explanation charge. 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