all of the following statements are true except government

party machines were strongest in rural areas, Patronage was once important to political parties because, it ensured an army of supporters and workers for elections. C) GNMAs are considered to be the riskiest of the agency issues. II and IV. I and IVC. b. Democrats are more likely than Republicans to believe that government should provide health insurance for all. All the following are true of Crop Hail insurance, except: Augustine believed that god was all knowing and all powerful. $10,000C. Treasury Stock does not earn interest, nor does it receive dividends. B U.S. Government Agency Securities have an implicit backing by the U.S. GovernmentC. It provides unlimited coverage for qualified property owners The focus of the Final Planning Meeting (FPM) includes all of the following except? Thus, they give an assured stream of interest payments for a long time period. The national government is responsible for declaring war. I and IVC. Provides property coverage to both residential and farm dwellings---Farm property is not eligible for coverage under the FAIR plan. T-BondD. Louisiana The __________ disburses funds to state and local governments for participation in national programs. C The bonds are sold at the bid price of 98-27 = 98 and 27/32nds = 98.84375% of $5,000 par = $4,942.19. When all of the interest is paid, the "notional principal" has been brought to par and the security is now paid off. Plain Vanilla TrancheD. c. it was unenforceable. Treasury Bond. (TIPS are usually purchased in tax qualified retirement plans that are tax-deferred. The system in which successful party candidates reward supporters with jobs or favors is called, In a _____, registered party members rather than party bosses nominate party candidates. Trades of all of the following securities settle in Fed Funds EXCEPT: A. U.S. Government bondsB. a. they provide the base of votes from which candidates build majorities to win elections. D. Thus, there is no reinvestment risk, since semi-annual interest payments are not received. II and IIID. It is used to insure individual personal property Often written to provide coverage for earthquake or flood B) more goods in the economy than what would be attainable through domestic production alone. RuntimeError: The connection pool was closed while 4 HTTP requests/responses were still in-flight. separate-but-equal federalism. Treasury Receipts are purchased at a discount and mature at par. states' rights, On December 20, 1860, ______ formally repealed its ratification of the Constitution and withdrew from the Union. A II and IV. Series EE BondsD. These are issued at a discount to face and each interest payment made brings the "notional principal" of the bond closer to par. When comparing a CMO Planned Amortization Class (PAC) to a CMO Targeted Amortization Class (TAC), which statements are TRUE?I PACs are similar to TACs in that both provide call protection against increasing prepayment speedsII PACs differ from TACs in that TACs do not offer protection against a decrease in prepayment speedsIII PAC holders have a degree of protection against extension risk that is not provided to TAC holdersIV TAC pricing will be more volatile compared to PAC pricing during periods of rising interest rates A. I onlyB. This increase in value is the interest income earned on the obligation. Their activities had the consequence of integrating masses of new immigrants into the political process. a. FRB. Remember, government and agency securities are quoted in 32nds (with the exception of T-Bills, quoted on a yield basis). The best answer is A. Fannie Mae is a privatized agency that is publicly traded. A. 4/32nds = .125% of $1,000 par = $1.25. A money market instrument is a debt that will mature in 1 year or less (it will turn into "money" within a year). The spread is: A. $175.00. Which statement is FALSE when comparing Agency CMOs to Private Label CMOs? Either by writing a separate Mobile Homeowners Policy or by adding an endorsement to a Homeowners Policy. Wahab was the only authorized signer on a. dual federalism. Score .9498. The correct answer can be decided from the lines,' It will be the company's second space-tourism launch since its founder Jeff Bezos traveled into space in July 2021. providing the bulk of the money candidates use to run for office. The best answer is B. C A. the national debt in the United States continues to grow at record levels. In the 1930s and subsequent decades, the ______ became the primary constitutional basis for national government regulation. III and IV onlyC. Planned amortization class. B \text {Retained earnings} & \cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots & 240,000\\ Prepare the journal entry for the purchase of office supplies on September 30 for $2,500, paying$800 cash and the remainder on account. If the maturity shortens, then for a given fall in interest rates, the price will rise slower. Each tranche, in effect, represents a differing expected maturity, hence each tranche has a different level of market risk. A security which gives the holder an undivided interest in a pool of mortgages is known as a(n): A. equity real estate investment trustB. The note pays interest on Jan 1 and Jul 1. "Non-eligible" securities settle through national clearing houses of which broker/dealers are members. These credit ratings agencies really did not understand the complex structure of CDOs and how risky their collateral was (sub-prime mortgage loans that were often "no documentation liar loans"). Personal Injury Coverage--In addition to providing property and liability coverage, a yacht policy also offers protection and indemnity coverage for the insured's legal liability for bodily injury and damage to property of others, personal property coverage for property on the yacht, and coverage for fuel spills, commercial towing, and dinghies. The best answer is D. Freddie Mac - Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation - buys conventional mortgages from financial institutions and packages them into pass through certificates. User: All of the following are true statements about discussion-based exercises except: Weegy: Discussion-based exercises are used to: Develop new plans, policies, agreements, and procedures. Henry Clay. 4) All of the following statements incorrectly refer to the concepts in the Conceptual Framework except a. In the 1980s and 1990s, the federal government used ______ to force the states to raise their minimum alcoholic beverage drinking age to 21. How much will the customer receive at each interest payment? Unlike regular bonds, where when interest rates rise, prices fall, with an IO, when interest rates rise, prices rise! Exercise documentation is written with specific audiences and exercise types in mind. No physical certificates are issued. While balancing your Lun des accessoires de tlphones portables les plus achets est le film protecteur cran. Crime affects communities in all of the following ways EXCEPT: The __________ relies on state and national funding to carry out programs. \text {Sales} & \cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots & \$2,500,000\\ a. If it is not reasonable, state what error was made. Cooperative federalism ended dual federalism. Which statement is TRUE about IO tranches? A government securities dealer quotes a 3 month Treasury Bill at 5.00 Bid - 4.90 Ask. Obligations issued at par make periodic interest payments. If interest rates rise, then the expected maturity will lengthen, due to a lower prepayment rate than expected. Short-term Treasury Bills have almost no purchasing power risk as well, so they are considered to be a "risk-free" security. These trades settle in 2 business days in clearing house funds. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the responsible party model? Because it was sitting in my barn / shop for over 12 years!! categorical grants The right to vote was available. A(n) __________ is a federal program that states are required to implement, but given no additional funds for. The best answer is A. Treasury Bills are quoted on a yield basis. Interest is "earned" monthly and credited to the principal amount every 6 months. If interest rates rise, then the average maturity will lengthen, due to a lower prepayment rate than expected. II and IIID. 4.63%D. \text {Unearned revenue} & \cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots & 15,000\\ A PO is a Principal Only tranche. Of the following choices, party discipline applies only to the a. party-in-the electorate. II and IV. If each of the schools has 505050 fifth-grade students, how many different groups of 121212 students can he select? This is true because when the certificate was purchased, assume that the average life of the underlying 15 year pool (for example) was 12 years. The __________ pays local governments to help implement state programs. d. Which statements are TRUE about changes in market interest rates and collateralized mortgage obligations?I If interest rates drop, homeowners will refinance their mortgages, increasing prepayment rates on CMOsII If interest rates rise, homeowners will refinance their mortgages, increasing prepayment rates on CMOsIII If interest rates drop, the market value of CMO tranches will decreaseIV If interest rates drop, the market value of the CMO tranches will increase A. I and IIIB. a. a. The interest income from direct issues of the U.S. Government and most agency obligations is subject to federal income tax but is exempt from state and local tax. c. American party organizations are decentralized. The Federal Reserve designates a dealer as a "primary" dealer - meaning one entitled to trade with the Federal Reserve trading desk. An election signaling the significant change in popular allegiance from one party to another is a ________ election. = 2 1/4. What information is reported in a companys balance sheet? The securities underlying CMOs are GNMA or FNMA mortgage backed pass-through certificates. 2/32nds = .0625% of $1,000 par = $.625. I, II, IVD. Notice that the fact that the bond is trading at a discount is irrelevant - the interest payment is based on the stated interest rate times par value. II and IIID. All of the following statements are TRUE regarding riverboat gambling EXCEPT: From a city's perspective, what would be the best kind of charter to hold? If Treasury bill yields are rising at auction, this indicates that:I interest rates are fallingII interest rates are risingIII Treasury bill prices are fallingIV Treasury bill prices are rising A. I and IIIB. Identify each of the following places and terms. Rating. It covers direct loss from mudslides caused by the accumulation of water All of the following statements regarding budgeting is true except: <p>a. Budgeting helps managersdetermine the resources needed to meet their goals andobjectives.b. e. They differ from interest groups in that they seek to nominate and elect officials to public office. If an individual is a resident of Canada for part of the calendar year, that individual only has to report his worldwide income during the period of residency for Canadian tax purposes. \text {Dividends} & \cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots & 20,000\\ Market interest rate movements have no effect on the stated interest rate paid by the security; and would not affect the credit rating of the issue. A The Emergency Program applies after a community has agreed to, but has not yet completed, the process to adopt flood control measures. All of the following statements concerning parties in American democracy are true EXCEPT a. c. Medical Payments. a. Each payment is a combination of both interest and principal paid from the underlying mortgage pool. Try BYJUS free classes today!No worries! In the most common form of city government, what functions as the executive branch? This is true because when the certificate was purchased, assume that the expected life of the underlying 15 year pool (for example) was 12 years. STRIPS, Which of the following securities issued by the U.S. Government is considered to be a money market security? Treasury NotesC. b. All of the following are true statements about U.S. Government Agency securities EXCEPT: A. U.S. Government Agency Securities are quoted in 1/32ndsB. D Which investment gives the greatest protection against purchasing power risk? The closest approximation of a security that offers the pure interest rate is a U.S. Government obligation. The CDO market collapsed with the housing crash in 2008-2009 and has still not recovered (as of 2019). actual maturity of the underlying mortgages. II and IV. All of the following are true about the case of McCulloch v. Maryland EXCEPT b. they are able to exert power over the nomination of candidates. The annual accretion is taxable, since the underlying securities are U.S. The Weegy: A modal verb (also modal, modal auxiliary verb, modal auxiliary) is a type of auxiliary verb that is used to All of the following are true statements about discussion-based exercises except: A component of developing and executing an exercise program is: When is the draft Improvement Plan (IP) created? II and IIID. CMBs are Cash Management Bills. b. American parties have recently increased their party discipline. Which of the following is not true about the FAIR plan? I, II, III, IV. A 5 year 3 1/2% Treasury Note is quoted at 101-4 - 101-8. There is usually a cap on how high the rate can go and a floor on how low the rate can drop. I, II, IIID. II and IV. I, II, III, IV. the interest coupons are sold off separately from the principal portion of the obligation, The best answer is D. Treasury Receipts are zero coupon Treasury obligations created by broker/dealers who buy Treasury Bonds or Treasury Notes and strip them of their coupons, keeping the corpus of the bond only. All of the following statements are TRUE regarding Georgia's potential adoption of gambling EXCEPT: 1) Note, however, that the "PSA" can change over time. b. C All of the following statements about the national government are TRUE except: C. The national government relies on taxes collected by state governments. Collateralized mortgage obligation values are derived from the underlying mortgage backed pass-through certificates held in trust by recutting the cash flows and applying them to the CMO tranches. The housing bubble that ended badly in 2008 with a market crash was fueled by massive issuance of sub-prime mortgages to unqualified home buyers, that were then packaged into CDOs and sold to unwitting institutional investors who relied on the credit rating assigned by S&P or Moodys. When market interest rates rise, the rate of prepayments falls (extension risk) and the maturity lengthens. How much interest income will the customer receive at each interest payment? . C. the interest on a policy loan is usually paid annually. = 2 5/20 II and IVC. A The West The focus of the Final Planning Meeting (FPM) includes all of the following except? Notice that the fact that the bond is trading at a premium is irrelevant - the interest payment is based on the stated interest rate times par value. If interest rates fall, then the average maturity will shorten, due to a higher prepayment rate than expected. $93.75B. All of the following statements are true about the Federal National Mortgage Association Pass-Through Certificates EXCEPT: A. FNMA is a publicly traded companyB. Expert power is based on the social knowledge, skills and expertise that a leader possesses. e. the emergence of the South as the most reliably Republican region of the country. A. gained additional power, along with the rest of the national government. Today's holes outline a new high-grade, at surface discovery named Iceberg that spans a strike length of 50m and remains open in all directions and to depth.Drilling collared into mineralization in NFGC- 22-1084 with 15.3 g/t Au over 10.75m, while a 25m step-out south intersected 72.2 g/t Au over 9.65m in NFGC-23-1100, and a 25m step-out north intersected 19.7 g/t Au over 5.65m in NFGC-23-1109. If interest rates fall, then the average maturity will shorten, due to a higher prepayment rate than expected. -is what's meant by the phrase "The domesticated generations fell Weegy: A suffix is added to the end of a word to alter its meaning. C Furthermore, as interest rates drop, the value of the fixed income stream received from those mortgages increases, so the market value of the security will increase. A TAC bond is designed to pay a "target" amount of principal each month. The pure interest rate is a theoretical interest rate that will be paid when there is no marketability risk and no credit risk. I, II, III, IV. The election of 1828 was significant to the development of electoral politics because, it was the first election in which mass participation occurred, Which of the following regions is NOT a stronghold of the Republican Party today? II and IV. Which government system is the most popular, both historically and today? ruled that the initial plan of Congress to reconstruct the South was unconstitutional. AAA rated bond. Because CMO issues are divided into tranches, each specific tranche has a more certain repayment date, as compared to owning a mortgage backed pass-through certificate. They were deemed more important than a national government. 2) For the word puzzle clue of all of the following statements about france are true except, the Sporcle Puzzle Library found the following results.Explore more crossword clues and answers by clicking on the results or quizzes. Which of the following statements about renewable and non-renewable energy sources is true? Instead of being backed by mortgages guaranteed by Fannie, Freddie or Ginnie, they are backed by "private label" mortgages - meaning mortgages that do not qualify for sale to these agencies (either because the dollar amount of the mortgage is above their purchase limit or they do not meet Fannie, Freddie or Ginnie's underwriting standards). 14%C. An IO is an Interest Only tranche. All of the following are true of an Umbrella Liability Policy, except: A After underlying coverage is exhausted, coverage is excess B Property in the care and custody of the insured is covered C Specific minimum limits for underlying coverage are required D Certain losses excluded by the primary policy are covered The statement,Sole proprietors must follow all laws, including federal, state. I, II, III, IV. The coupon rate on the TIPS approximates the "real interest rate" - the rate earned after factoring out inflation. Is reinsured by federal government An annual upward adjustment due to inflation is taxable in that year; an annual downward adjustment due to deflation is not tax deductible in that year.B. B The Federal Reserve Bank does not issue bonds. When interest rates fall, mortgage backed pass through certificates rise in price - at a slower rate than for a regular bond. II and III. I and IVC. When the bond matures, the holder receives the higher principal amount. Interest payments are still made pro-rata to all tranches, but principal repayments made earlier than that required to retire the PAC at its maturity are applied to the Companion class; while principal repayments made later than expected are applied to the PAC maturity before payments are made to the Companion class. Policies generally cover first-party claims. GNMA Pass-Through certificatesD. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. Which statement is false regarding the National Flood Insurance Program? Governments. Covers only one (1) growing season D TACs do not offer the same degree of protection against "extension risk" as do PACs during periods of rising interest rates - hence their prices will be more volatile during such periods. marketability riskC. Which of the following questions is NOT one that needs to be asked by a critical reader of party platforms? parties were primarily an elite phenomenon. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. A majority of the people in each state must approve of the agreement. The best answer is A. $4,942.19D. Applying the rules $35.00C. The PAC tranche is a "Planned Amortization Class." Its stock was listed for trading on the NYSE, but Fannie went "bust" in 2008 after purchasing too many "sub prime" mortgages and was placed into government conservatorship. Governments. According to "Tip" O'Neil, "All politics is __________.". exempt from Federal income tax, but subject to State and Local taxC. This is a tranche that only receives the principal payments from an underlying mortgage, and it is created with a corresponding IO (Interest Only) tranch that only receives the interest payments from that mortgage. II and IV. Thus. There is no deductible that they increased significantly during the twentieth century. Because the interest rate moves with the market, the price stays close to par - as is the case with any variable rate security. A customer who wishes to sell 1 Treasury Bill will receive:A.a dollar price quoted to a 4.90 basisB.a dollar price quoted to a 5.00 basisC.$4,900D.$5,000. Coreless Stretch Film; Pre-Stretch Film; Hand Roll; Machine Roll; Jumbo Roll; Industrial Plastic Division. \text{Salaries payable} & \cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots & 5,800\\ Thus, the price movement of that specific tranche, in response to interest rate changes, more closely parallels that of a regular bond with a fixed repayment date. \text {Notes payable (due in 120 days)} & \cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots &85,000\\ You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. Private CMOs (Collateralized Mortgage Obligations) are also called "private label" CMOs. A wealthy retired investor is interested in buying Agency mortgage backed securities collateralized by 30-year mortgages as an investment that will give additional retirement income. c. They provide a voice for the opposition to official government policy. b. The "difference" between the two is the current market expectation for the inflation rate (1.25% in this example). Because they are sold on an irregular basis, they sell at slightly higher yields than equivalent maturity T-Bills. CMOs have a serial structure since they are divided into 15 - 30 maturities known as tranches; CMOs are rated AAA; and CMOs are more accessible to individual investors since they have $1,000 minimum denominations as compared to $25,000 for pass-through certificates. New CMOs have special classes of tranches called PAC (Planned Amortization Class) and TAC (Targeted Amortization Class) tranches. Party activists are important to the parties for all of the following reasons EXCEPT expected life of the trancheC. All CMO tranches have the same credit rating - AAA (Moody's) or AA (Standard and Poor's). account on behalf of W Financial Group, LLC, c. Changes from one era to another are often marked by a critical election. The Regular Program allows coverage on a single family dwelling up to $250,000 due to flooding (7-8, 6-15, 8-1), Get answer to your question and much more, Trades of all of the following securities settle in Fed Funds EXCEPT:A.U.S. Even though the interest rate is fixed, the holder receives a higher interest payment, due to the increased principal amount. Provides basic property coverage to those who have been rejected in the standard market. A. c. the media began playing a more important role. Thus, PACs have lower extension risk than plain vanilla CMO tranches. The customer buys the bonds at 101 and 16/32s = 101 % of $1,000 = $1,015 (the fact that $5,000 face amount of bonds were purchased is irrelevant, since the formula is a percentage). All of the following are responsibilities of members of the community EXCEPT: A(n) __________ is money given to an individual or an organization for a specific purpose. Coal produces 39% of the country's heating and transportation fuel. Thus, the expected mortgage repayment flows from the underlying pass-through certificates slow down, and the expected maturity of the CMO tranches will lengthen. The portfolio is assembled by a broker-dealer, who sells "receipts" representing ownership of the interest. for payment on a forged indorsement, who is liable? State governments help the national government in times of crisis. Agency CMOs are traded in the public markets while Private Label CMOs can only be sold in private placements and cannot be traded. The logic behind this tax treatment is that the mortgage interest paid by the homeowners was fully deductible from both federal, state, and local taxes. It was called "an expression of the American mind." B. b. All of the following statements are true about Treasury Receipts EXCEPT the: A. investor "locks in" a rate of return that is free from reinvestment risk if the Receipt is held to maturityB. Which of the following are zero coupon original issue discount obligations?I Treasury BillsII Treasury NotesIII Treasury BondsIV Treasury STRIPS A. I and IV onlyB. Surrounding this tranche are 1 or 2 Companion tranches. b. Thus, Choice D is incorrect. Corporate Bonds. 109, The best answer is A. Treasury STRIP. If the mortgages backing a Ginnie Mae Pass Through Certificate are prepaid (if interest rates have dropped), the certificate holder receives payments that are a return of principal, and that, when reinvested at lower current rates, produce a lower return (this is reinvestment risk). All of the following statements regarding collateralized mortgage obligations are true EXCEPT: A. varying maturities are available to meet a wide variety of investor needsB. b. U.S. Government and agency bond trades settle in Federal Funds, which are good funds the business day of the funds transfer (next business day for regular way settlement of government securities). Which statement is TRUE? Freddie Mac pass through certificates are not guaranteed by the U.S. Government (unlike GNMA pass through certificates). D. c. John Jay. C. Under cooperative federalism, different levels of government work together on programs. If interest rates rise, then the expected maturity will lengthen, due to a lower prepayment rate than expected. Treasury ReceiptB. Each tranche, in effect, represents a differing expected maturity, hence each tranche has a different level of market risk. Because the principal is being paid back at an earlier date, the price rises. $4,913.50B. = 15 ? I and IVC. "TIPS" are Treasury Inflation Protection Securities - the principal amount of these securities is adjusted upwards with the rate of inflation. ANSWER: 24. Party machines guaranteed people's support through patronage. Planned Amortization ClassB. C d. Treasury Receipts are a zero-coupon obligations that must be accreted annually for tax purposes. The annual accretion amount is subject to Federal income tax each year, as the underlying securities are U.S. FNMA Pass Through Certificates. All of the following are true statements about a progressive exercise approach except: New answers. The current yield of the Treasury Bond is: A. Financial statements are prepared and presented at least annually and are directed toward both the common and specific information needs of a wide range of users. Stretch Film Division. B annually. A Degree) Regulations, 2022 notified. In which state would one arguably have the best access to legislators? II and IIID. = 45/20 II and III onlyC. I, II, III, IV. The exam is given to a group of 70 students. Because of this, federal agency bonds trade at higher yields than equivalent maturity U.S. Government issues (typically at yields that are 25 to 50 basis points higher than equivalent maturity Treasuries). Treasury NotesC. Payment of interest and principal on Ginnie Mae pass through certificates is:I backed by the faith and credit of GNMAII not backed by the faith and credit of GNMAIII backed by the faith and credit of the U.S. GovernmentIV not backed by the faith and credit of the U.S. Government A. I and IIIB. Thus, the certificate was priced as a 12 year maturity. Which of the following are TRUE statements regarding government agencies and their obligations?I Fannie Mae is a publicly traded companyII Fannie Mae is a U.S. Government AgencyIII Fannie Mae debt securities are negotiableIV Fannie Mae debt securities are non-negotiable A. I and IIIB. B b. A. Treasury securities are generally considered to be immune to all of the following risks EXCEPT: Which security has, as its return, the "pure" interest rate? Only be sold in private placements and can not be traded a. dual federalism government work together programs... 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Ronald Muir Picture, Articles A