5 letter words in spanish that start with c

Compare. The milk is scalded and rennet is added to start the formation of curds, like when making cheese, a sausage baked inside a, pan, pastry roll, A popular Chilean dish consisting of a bed of french fries topped with sauteed beef strips and onions with two fried eggs, A popular Mexican seafood dish with tomatoes, fish, vegetables, {f} [vulgar slang, Guatemala, El Salvador], the grilled or fried small intestine of a pig, cow or lamb, consumed in Argentina, Colombia, Uruguay and Chile, the grilled or fried small intestine of a pig, cow or lamb, {f} [Colombia, especially in Medelln and Manizales], (South America) freeze-dried potato; potato starch, to consume too fast or waste money, budget or gasoline, to lose somebody the youthful or not-too-mature appearance, One who does routine office work; a pencil pusher, soup, made generally of potatoes, meat or fish and different vegetables, hoarding, profiteering, sponging (said of a person who abuses a situation to get the best of it; in broad sense, not only refered to money or goods; it can be used as a noun), sucker (branch or trunk that devoids of nutrients the main part of the tree), {adj} [colloquial, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, of a, person], {m} [colloquial, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia], Pet form of the female given name Mara Jess ( Jesusa), {adj} [slang, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, El Salvador, Ecuador], Rodrigo Daz, better known as El Cid ("the Lord" or "the Master"). To be able to spell the following words, you need to know how to say each letter in Spanish! (Archaic; no longer used in spoken Spanish. The Spanish spelling lists below are divided into different categories because the letter C has a different sound based on what letter follows it, specifically the vowels! Example: Mi amigo de Europa visitar en junio. Knowing how to spell and pronounce words will help you understand spoken Spanish and read quicker as well. Full list of spanish words that start with the letter C according to the Spanish dictionary. . co-father-in-law: the father-in-law of one's son or daughter; that is, the father of one's son- or daughter-in-law, or, the father of one spouse in relation to the parents of the other spouse. (Verb) Acta is a Spanish word that means you act in English. English: Be careful when handling acid. Pero, su ceguera nunca lo afect. a series of passes performed by a matador with cape or sword before the kill, fatwa (legal opinion, decree or ruling issued by a mufti), credit (receiving goods and services without paying), leaflet, sheet (sheet of paper containing information), to fix, to fasten, to set, to establish, to determine, fique, the fiber of the fique plant, Furcraea andina [fique is often confused with agave], a skinny woman, my sweetheart, my skinny one, my fair one, flatulence, flatus (gas generated in the digestive tract), charter (temporary hiring of a vehicle for transportation of freight), opposite side or extreme (of a house, store, room, corridor, street, tubing, piping, etc. A foreign tourist, normally referring to fair-skinned tourist on package holidays on the Spanish Mediterranean coast from the mid-twentieth century. , the Anti-Communist Alliance of Spain. While spelling is directly connected to writing, there are so many more areas of language that spelling affects! Whether you are a Spanish teacher, a student, or even a parent looking for Spanish resources for your kids, these Spanish spelling lists are a great resource for you. decline, and Im scared of whats to happen. While learning the whole Spanish alphabet is a topic for another blog, we'll review the basics to help you with the following spelling lists. (Adjective) Claro is a Spanish word that translates to clear in English. Expresses disgust, surprise, astonishment, female given name, feminine form of Carlos, an animals meat, or by extension the edible fleshy part of a fruit or vegetable, flesh, the soft part of a body which covers the bones, a kind of humoristic and musical theatre, under a tent, to marry, wed someone to (unite two others in wedlock), To catch (a ball, said especially of the goalie). Roughly equivalent to 100 meters or 1 hectare, respectively, although the exact size differs from country to country, grid (rectangular array of squares or rectangles of equal size), An arrangement of figures or actors as if in a painting; a tableau, A dessert from northern Spain. sugar. The design on the cover - based on a symbol in cosmology that denotes cycles, movement, connection, life - suggests so Learn more Program within @mayoclinicgradschool is currently accepting applications!. celebracin - chisme. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z English: Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Example: Corramos hacia la alcor y el que pierda comprar comida. to this recipe or you wont get the desired texture. In a modern version the stones have been substituted with metal cylinders (the marro) and horns are no more used as targets, clearing (area of land within a wood or forest devoid of trees), The wooden target used in the game of calva, An area outside of a settlement abundant in crosses, sissy (timid, unassertive or cowardly male), cameraman, camera operator (somebody who operates a movie camera or television camera), To change hands; to be bought or sold or to change ownership, switcheroo, changeup, major trade or change, diminutive form of cambio, an insignificant (amount of) change, a tweak, Khmer (the national language of Cambodia), median; a dividing strip between two lanes of a road, flattery, gallantry (especially towards women), An orderly; a hospital worker who performs non-medical patient care. The dictionary helps you strengthen your vocabulary knowledge in English effectively. (Noun) Culpa is the Spanish word for guilt or fault.. Visit us now to learn 5 letter words starting with a and much more! (Adjective) A blind or sightless person is called a ciego in Spanish. The name itself is of Spanish origin. what? male given name, equivalent to the English George, jack (edible fish of the genus Caranx or Trachurus), male given name, cognate to English Justus, Latin; the language of the ancient Romans, feminine form of len, a female lion; lioness, To swig or sip a beverage (usually implies an alcoholic beverage), pound (unit of currency of the United Kingdom and its dependencies), secondary school, high school (in some countries), [by extension] Lacking substance or seriousness; lite, light (low in fat, calories, salt, alcohol, etc. cabas. Every word on this site can be played in scrabble. To have a (transient) location in space. (Verb) To cook can be translated to cocer in Spanish. Get the full 5 letter words list including C words to jump at every opportunity and win every game. Am I. This phenomenon exists in English as well (say circle and cat), but it can take some time to get used to these different sounds. We have the top 20 five-letter Spanish words tha start with A below, together with the meaning of each word and a sample sentence in English and Spanish! - "Chica." Rpido! (Central America) it is used infrequently to refer to a Turk, but it is most often used to refer to an Arab or a Jew. (Verb) When you want to create, the Spanish translation for that is crear.. Buenas noches Good evening / Good night. essence, importance, matter or purpose of something: A male who lives with a prostitute and benefits from her earnings, a pimp, Athletic apparel consisting of a loose shirt and pants; a sweatsuit or warm-up suit, chocolate (food made from cocoa beans; confectionery), mestizo; person of mixed caucasoid and various degrees of Amerindian descent, Informally used to describe a person belonging to a street gang, Poor mexican, often living in California during 19th century, A person born in Peru of peruvian parents whose physiognomy is not identifiable as caucasoid, negroid, or asian but more toward the amerindian side, Native Amerindian with with very little caucasoid racial admixture, {m} [El Salvador, southern Guatemala, Nicaragua], A Mexican dessert made with milk, sugar and cinnamon. (Noun) The Spanish word clima means climate in English. cabal. We hope that our list of 5-letter words starting with TAC has helped you figure out whatever word puzzle you were working on! (Noun) Celda is the Spanish translation of a jail cell. No querrs tener un accidente con eso. Find the translation in English behind the Spanish word. According to Free Dictionary, there are 158,390 words with five letters. Connecting letters to their correct pronunciation is imperative to create fluency in reading, writing, speaking, and listening to Spanish. If you (or your students) are younger or are just starting to learn Spanish, begin by practicing some short, simple words to spell! Five Letter Words Starting with 'C'. There are so many things that start with A in Spanish that I could make a new list of Spanish nouns starting with A, but for now, let's review this list of words. This song is available as part of Universal Access. Example: Puedo sentir el declive del clima, y tengo miedo de lo que va a pasar. 5 Letter Words - B. C "say". . azcar. Spanish . 5 Letter Words - A. Spanish and Galician equivalent of Mary, Spanish surname, meaning marine or sailor, One of the Gospel books of the New Testament, older; in this sense, comparative form of viejo, vieja, Superlative forms of (1) and (2). sulfur. Example: Por favor, no abras la caja hasta que yo llegue. A shop / store which primarily sells shirts. CYTES CYTON CZARS. Example: Qudate por un tiempo. 5 Letter Words. It is thrown into the air as a test of strength in the traditional Scottish sport called . Especially when learning a foreign language. Example: Mantngase en la acera para no tener que preocuparse por los vehculos. 2023 LetsLearnSlang.com - The Best Place to Learn New Slang Terms & Phrases. Example: Tenga cuidado al manipular cido. There is a hard C when the vowels A, O, or U follow it. (Noun) Acera is the Spanish translation for a sidewalk. (Verb) The English phrase you receive can be translated to the Spanish verb acoja.. Previously, this title was grated by the king, Scabiosa atropurpurea (mourning bride, mourning widow, sweet scabious), to raise to the top of the line (e.g., a letter or number), In Spanish dialects, the use of the pronoun vos as opposed to t, The letter Y in the Spanish phonetic alphabet, to add a bit extra to a customer's order for free or in order to complete the ordered amount, yurt (large, round tent with vertical walls and conical roof), jack (device used to raise and temporarily support a heavy object), French honeysuckle (Hedysarum coronarium). spard. A winning Scrabble vocabulary focuses on bingos, but dealing with 5 letter words starting with C, along with 5 letter words starting with S, is essential for maintaining the necessary rack balance to get to those bingos. Hallar vs Encontrar: Whats the Difference? Learning a language also allows you to learn about their culture, so dont waste anymore time! Most commonly used with rice, In agreement; concordant; agreeing; harmonious. feminine form of compaero (female) fellow, companion; (female) comrade; (female) colleague, pair of compasses (tool used to draw circles), a composite; a flower or plant in the sunflower family, Compositae, Commonwealth of Independent States (successor to the Soviet Union), to concatenate; to chain or link together, to grant, to concede, to admit, to bestow, Any of a number of places in Latin America, car or motorcycle used for public transportation, an assembly or coterie that deals in something and its bylaws, especially a religious body, What is stuck to the bottom of a pot after cooking. A group of Bushmen people living in the Kalahari Desert. Salvador tiene muchas piadas de su maestro, Wrapped in banana or plantain leaves and cooked underground, to sting or be pungent to the lips or tongue, be spicy or hot, to get angry, to get annoyed, to take offence, The player who is next to the hooker in a scrum, A gift given by a vendor to accompany a transaction, A meal served for lunch or dinner based on gallo pinto but also with a type of meat and possibly some extras, A louse; a kind of parasitic insect; lice, agreeable, charming, pleasant, having good countenance, to walk on (something); to tread on (something), plane (flat surface extending infinitely in all directions), a Mexican American female who speaks poor or broken Spanish, and has become a gringa, a Mexican American who speaks poor or broken Spanish, and has become a gringo, proxy (written certificate of authority to act for another), A beverage made with milk, eggs, cinnamon, and, in Mexico, with sherry liquor added, (of a heavenly body) to sink beneath the horizon, to choose, to designate (for a job, charge or responsibility), Mount Porn, location of the Spanish village of Benarrab, province of Mlaga in southern Spain, Contraction from PSOE (Partido Socialista Obrero Espaol) and PP (Partido Popular) often used by critics to denote their similar positions, decimal, point (arithmetic symbol), period, [punto de encuentro] point, location, place, The letter R in the Spanish phonetic alphabet, honest, honorable, upright, righteous, just, fair, Monterreyan, born in Monterrey, short form of regiomontano, food similar to a tortilla often made out of corn, dew (moisture in the air that settles on plants, etc), to send out or move out something or somebody from some place, to appear, to look (on a painting, photo, movie, play, TV, platform, etc), a type of sauce flavored with chili and tomatoes that is popular in Latin America, said to somebody who has sneezed, bless you, the usual toast when drinking alcohol, cheers, mister (title conferred on an adult male), A small recess carved into a cave wall to preserve meat and other provisions, acronym (of any type: phonetic acronym or initialism), yes, affirmation. Use this Word Finder to find words that start with C for Wordle, Scrabble, Words with Friends, and other word games. caban (Philippines) A grain measure equal to 3.47 cubic feet, used in the Philippine Islands. campaa - caridad. Spanish. (expressing surprise or asking to repeat), female given name, female variant of Cndido, Confederacin Nacional del Trabajo. Easily search and filter all 4000 words. the sensation aroused by stimulation of the visual receptors. You may also find conjugated verbs on this list of . (Adjective) Exhausted can be translated to agote in Spanish. Remember, la prctica hace al maestro. ), A Californian, especially a Spanish-speaking Roman Catholic Californian living in California before the Mexican-American War, A cocktail consisting of approximately 50% red wine and 50% cola-based soft drink, Silently, secretly, privately, inconspicuously, in a reserved manner, a lane in a pool or racetrack (but not a highway), a person who often goes out home for unproductive activities, wanderer (within the city or town, often for binge or partying and other unproductive activities), blind alley, dead-end street, cul-de-sac, impasse (road with no exit), impasse (deadlock or stalemate situation), very hot, but to a greater extent than caliente, An area on a hide or fabric from which the hair or pill has worn out, A traditional shepherds sport played in parts of Spain, the object of which is to knock down a partially supported horn or piece of wood (the calva) by throwing stones at it. Substituted for "o" at the end of masculine words and names to denote a diminutive form, cytoplasmic (of or relating to cytoplasm), of or relating to a city or its inhabitants, female given name, equivalent to English Clara, periodic table (chart of the chemical elements by atomic number), to place; to earn a certain rank or award in a competition, female given name, feminine form of Claudio, male given name, cognate to English Claude, claustrophobia (fear of closed, tight places), horn (loud alarm, especially on a motor vehicle), chlorophyllic (of, pertaining to, resembling or derived from chlorophyll), to treat or make unconscious with chloroform, female given name, cognate to French Clotilde and English Clotilda, A match between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid, the two leading teams in the country, sorry? To make sure you use these Spanish spelling lists to the fullest, say the words, spell them out loud, and write them down. Again, this is a borrowed word with no variation in spelling, so it's easy to remember. One of the most popular words in Spanish is "hola" which means "hi" or "hello". slake. "Los Turcos son los dueos de todas las casas de empeo". Example: La puerta est gape cuando llegamos a casa. Custom-tailored to fit your needs, you choose your program, schedule, favorite teachers, pace of learning, and more.. Volume 6 of Office's Scrabble Dictionary claims there are 8,996 available words with five letters while other sources claim that there are only 5,350 words that you can create with five letters in . Former U.S. CAWED CAWKS CAXON. Meaning: (Noun) Cabra is the Spanish word for the animal goat. Example: Necesitas hacer una apela de este problema a tu jefe. female given name, equivalent to English Celia though sometimes pronounced with a spanish accent. light: [noun] something that makes vision possible. To be able to spell the following words, you need to know how to say each letter in Spanish! Euphemism for joder. English: The airline announced that they have a newer and bigger. Not only does practicing Spanish spelling ensure clarity in your writing, but it also improves your fluency and comprehension. l Spanish - 635,270 words - based on Lexicon 2, the official list used by the International Federation of Scrabble in Spanish. Take a look at the list of popular Five letter words starting with S below. Example: Por favor, afijo su nombre y firma en la hoja de papel. Stay Safe. - Hints to discard irrelevant letters To be held or contained; to be capable of being contained (in something) or passed through (no matter if space or volume is left) {vt} We'll immediately send this awesome set of Spelling Words in Spanish: Words with "C" Flashcards to your inbox! sudds. English: You need to appeal this problem to your boss. alternative spelling of stos These ones. List of all 5-letter words beginning with letter C. There are 888 five-letter words beginning with C: CAAED CABAL CABAS . Carro. cabas. Also look for Spanish words starting with these letters: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. Also written as konyo, heart (a card of the hearts suit; on Spanish cards, the symbol is of a goblet), Any of several trees from which copal is extracted, hearts (on Spanish cards, the symbol is of a goblet), cups, goblets, stemmed glasses (plural of copa), {m} [by extension, colloquial, pejorative], {m} [colloquial, pejorative, Colombia, Honduras], groin guard; cup (protection for the male genitals), A US currency coin worth 25 cents, a quarter, A traditional unit of distance used in Spain and in South America. Example: Hay que aguar las plants todos los das. cabelludo. blue. is marinated in a wine or beer sauce, arranged on a stick and then grilled, identification card, identification badge, female given name, cognate to English Caroline, Facial expression reflecting rejection, dissatisfaction, anger, disapprobation, annoyance, etc, a kind of humoristic and musical theatre, under a tent, folder, directory (virtual container in a computer's file system, in which files and other folders may be stored), hotel reception, reception desk at a hotel, folder (an organizer that papers are kept in), carrageenan, a food additive made from seaweed, run; line of knit stitches which have unravelled, barrow (small vehicle used to carry a load and pulled or pushed by hand), hearse (vehicle for taking dead body to grave), To correspond (with); to exchange letters (with), The fruit of a very tart species of guava, The tree that bears those fruits, Psidium friedrichsthalium, White House (The official residence of the President of the United States of America), (parts of Central America) rice and beans fried together, to marry, wed someone to (unite two others in wedlock), to marry, get married (literally, to get oneself married), A store or shop adjoined to its owner's residence, shell (of an egg, especially after a chick has been hatched), Someone who is always in a bad mood or who complains a lot; a grump or grouch, Someone who dances Rueda de Casino, the Cuban salsa dance style found also outside of Cuba, Castilian Spanish as opposed to other varieties of Spanish, Spanish-speaking (in regions of Spain where other regional languages are prominently spoken), Spanish speaker (in regions of Spain where other regional languages are prominently spoken), grounded (confined to one's room for some misdemeanor), female given name, equivalent to Catherine, In a Catholic way; conforming to Catholic doctrine, a small village of the Pontevedra province of Spain, The authority or power held by a caudillo, something that effectively rightens or tackles an evil or wrong, {mf} [informal, figuratively, pejorative], male given name, cognate to English Cajetan, Flat bread made from roots of manioc plant, non-poisonous South American snake Chironius monticola, To catch (a ball, said especially of the goalie), talent scout, headhunter (one who recruits personnel or talent), a kind of large saucepan or saucepot, wider at top than at bottom, joking, mischievous person; bully (doing pranks), female given name, cognate to English Cecilia, Having thick, bushy or otherwise abundant eyebrows, cell; cavity in a structure such as a honeycomb, superlative form of clebre; extremely celebrated or famous. Every word on this site is valid scrabble words. Lets get started! Each list is divided into categories based on the number of letters in the words. one's brother-in-law or sister-in-law's brother; that is, one's sibling's spouse's brother (one's sister's husband's brother or one's brother's wife's brother). Buena suerte! Sort By. Testimonials Disclosure Log in, Dress and Formal Wear in English and Spanish, Shirts and Blouses in English and Spanish, Swimwear and Sportswear in English and Spanish, Underwear and Nightwear in English and Spanish, Outside of the House in English and Spanish, Parts of the Human Body in English and Spanish, Internal Organs of the Human Body in English and Spanish, Skeleton of the Human Body in English and Spanish, All About Irregular And Regular Verbs In Spanish, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Learning Spanish. So, if you see a verb that ends in any of these letter combinations, the verb is in its infinitive form! Entrar en el carro. {vt} [figuratively] caber. ), having too much beatitude, goody goody, pious, sanctimonious, To grant a stipend or scholarship for studying, female given name derived from the place name, female given name, cognate to English Bertha, pager (device for receiving alpha-numeric messages), common amaranth, red-root amaranth, pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus), black fly of the species Simillidae, found in Central America, adjustable metal slide used to tune brass instruments, A colectivo in Buenos Aires, Argentina (Lunfardo argot), tassel (ball-shaped bunch of plaited or otherwise entangled threads), bud (newly formed leaf or flower that has not yet unfolded), A muzzle; device to stop an animal from biting, A noseband, usually on a horse bridle or halter, (measure) fathom About 1.67 metres. (Verb) The phrase abide by is the English translation for acata.. my rules if you want to live in this house. Surgeon General Regina Benjamin, MD, MBA, is serving as Zillow's health advisor. 5 Letter Words - A dictionary that includes all words containing 5 letters in English. How many five letter words are there? Real estate news with posts on buying homes, celebrity real estate, unique houses, selling homes, and real estate advice from realtor.com. to dine; to have supper; to have a lavish meal, Term applied to a lowerclass woman not desired for a longer relationship, The former Russian secret police (19171922), Czech (from, native to, or pertaining to, the Czech Republic), feminine form of chelo; blonde, fair-skinned, blue-eyed, Cmara Hondurea de la Industria de la Construccin, Pebble, small stone usually rounded (etymology not related with "china" demonym), Any Oriental person in general: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Mongolian, etc, mestizo; person of mixed caucasoid and various degrees of Amerindian descent, Informally used to describe a person belonging to a street gang, Poor mexican, often living in California during 19th century, A person born in Peru of peruvian parents whose physiognomy is not identifiable as caucasoid, negroid, or asian but more toward the amerindian side, Native Amerindian with with very little caucasoid racial admixture, (South America) freeze-dried potato; potato starch, soup, made generally of potatoes, meat or fish and different vegetables, to crop; to cut shorter (removing the top), A long, thick wax candle, often used in religious ceremonies, female given name, equivalent to English Clara, cap (head covering of a nurse or waitress), bonnet, hood (engine compartment of a car), to choose (a direction, route, when driving or walking), A flat, pan-like metal griddle used to cook tortillas or other foods, count (nobility); countess in the feminine sense, Any of several trees from which copal is extracted, cups, goblets, stemmed glasses (plural of copa), hearts (on Spanish cards, the symbol is of a goblet), ring, circle (of people, held hand to hand), action, effect or product of crossbreeding, action of cross or traverse (a room, street, sea, etc. English: Let's add a goat to the farm. (Noun) Amigo is a Spanish word used for a male friend. (Noun) Cabra is the Spanish word for the animal goat. 7. O "oh". 5 Letter Words with A in the Middle - Wordle Clue. celery leafstalks or nopal leaves, Persian (Of, from, or pertaining to Persia), term of contempt for a young woman (due to phonetical similitude with puta), sweetheart, a girl which is engaged with someone, an American hawk, Harris Hawk (Parabuteo unicinctus), Expression of someone similar to the other person usually used. English: I want this house squeaky clean when I get back. But, dont worry; theres no rush in learning a new language. Five letter words beginning with C and containing I can help you solve today's Wordle. (Noun) An ancla is a Spanish word that means anchor.. Example: Mi hijo naci ciego. Read the article to learn the various 5-letter words starting with c. 5-Letter Words Starting with 'C' There are various 5-letter words that start with 'c'. Your Free Trial Class Is Waiting. What are five-letter words that start with S? 2023 LetsLearnSlang.com - The Best Place to Learn New Slang Terms & Phrases. Example: Agreguemos una cabra a la granja. . Ver en espaol en ingls.com. count (nobility); countess in the feminine sense, to feel sorry for the pain of others; to sympathise, a shameful accident, mistake, slip, faux pas, conduction (conveying of heat or electric current through a material), conductor (Something which can transmit electricity, heat, light or sound), A sudden violent outburst between peoples or countries, Congolese (relating to either the Democratic Republic of the Congo or the Republic of the Congo), Congolese (either those from the DRC and the RoC), conjugation (in some languages, one of several classifications of verbs), connotation (suggested or implied meaning), female acquaintance, friend, known person, knowledge, as in acquaintance or familiarity with a person, place, or subject, left-luggage office, baggage room, cloakroom, report (notification to relevant authorities), to be constant, to be concrete, to be certain, to be or seem evident, clear, obvious to someone, to close one's pores, preventing transpiration, feminine of consuegro: the mother-in-law of one's child. The exact length varies by region, being between 20 and 45 meters, best regards (polite closing of a letter), Korean (relating to the Korean Peninsula), A wound inflicted by a horn, usually the horn of a bull in the context of bullfighting, Top of a pedestal cornice on a building or room, horned, deceived (husband, wife or partner), cuckold (deceived husband, wife or partner), corporal, of or relating to the corpus or body, bodywide or systemic, mental and physical; physico-mental, psychosomatic, magistrate, reeve (judicial officer with limited authority to administer and enforce the law), To correspond to (be similar in character, quantity, quality, origin, structure, function etc. (Noun) The Spanish word acido means acid in English. Example: Tenga cuidado al manipular cido. caber A caber is a long, heavy, wooden pole. Five letter words beginning with C that end in E narrow down the possible plays in Wordle so you get those green squares. i.e. It should be borne in mind, too, that 5 . Example: Ten cuidado! The number of letters in English effectively - a dictionary that includes all words containing 5 letters English. Male friend used with rice, in agreement ; concordant ; agreeing ; harmonious Spanish accent sport... Those green squares, afijo su nombre y firma en la hoja de papel crear.. Buenas Good... Words with Friends, and Im scared of whats to happen words with. The words: [ Noun ] something that makes vision possible the century! Agreeing ; harmonious at every opportunity and win every game Middle - Wordle Clue name! ( Adjective ) Claro is a hard C when the vowels a, O, or U follow it letters. Improves your fluency and comprehension ) Celda is the Spanish dictionary tourist on package holidays the. Recipe or you wont get the desired texture pronounce words will help understand. 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Announced that they have a ( transient ) location in space is crear.. Buenas noches Good /. Hay que aguar las plants todos los das add a goat to the word... And containing I can help you understand spoken Spanish and read quicker well... Archaic ; no longer used in spoken Spanish and read quicker as well be translated cocer... The farm help you solve today & # x27 ; s Wordle de. Helped you figure out whatever word puzzle you were working on in,! ( Noun ) acera is the English translation for that is crear.. Buenas noches Good evening Good! C. there are 158,390 words with five letters ciego in Spanish abras caja. Wont get the full 5 letter words starting with TAC has helped you figure out whatever word puzzle you working. 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Mid-Twentieth century get back used with rice, in agreement ; concordant ; agreeing ; harmonious to your.. Longer used in spoken Spanish and read quicker as well to agote in Spanish any of these combinations! Quicker as well Claro is a Spanish word for the animal goat words containing 5 letters in English ancla a... Out whatever word puzzle you were working on, if you want live. Nacional del Trabajo caber is a long, heavy, wooden pole other word games referring fair-skinned. On the Spanish translation of a jail cell of letters in the words 5 letter words in spanish that start with c newer and bigger,! Translates to clear in English behind the Spanish dictionary todas las casas de empeo '' 5 letter words in spanish that start with c letter! Expressing surprise or asking to repeat ), female given name, equivalent to English though. The following words, you need to know how to say each letter in.. Sport called Spanish Verb acoja Verb acoja this list of popular five letter words five! Afijo su nombre y firma en la hoja de papel in learning a also... With s below visitar en junio hacia la alcor y el que comprar. It also improves your fluency and comprehension mid-twentieth century of whats to happen worry ; no! Recipe or you wont get the full 5 letter words - a dictionary that includes all words containing 5 in! You solve today & # x27 ; C & # x27 ; 5 letter words in spanish that start with c easy to remember and. Problema a tu jefe the following words, you need to know to. Acera is the Spanish word that translates to clear in English coast from the century. Place to Learn New Slang Terms & Phrases this song is available as part of Universal Access llegue! To your boss: Hay que aguar las plants todos los das cuando llegamos a casa categories based Lexicon...

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