social structure apush

E) create a system of justice for ex-slaves. Enforcement of these legal parameters, however, remained uneven at the state level. E) congressional Republicans. For every legal measure passed, a corrupt politician. "The Virginia Assembly in 1670 disenfranchised most of the landless knockabouts.", A conflict between the citizens of inhabitants of the same country. the process by which a During World War II, African Americans launched the Double V Campaign - victory abroad and victory at home - deciding that they would not stand for discrimination and racism after fighting for the ideals of democracy across the world. In 1890, the US Census Bureau officially declared that the American frontier had been closed. As a result, farmers found it increasingly difficult to make a living, as they were making less money while having to pay fixed or increasing expenses and taxes. The right to acquire a certain amount of land granted to the person who finances the passage of a laborer. D) President Johnson. B) provide them with relief payments until the Freedmen's Bureau was established. This ultimately led to the killing of Sitting Bull, a Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux holy man and leader of the Sioux tribes. 1906 Made it so that meat would be inspected by the government from coral to can. C) a bar on blacks from renting land. Omissions? Reformed public ownership of utilities in Chicago. WebStudy APUSH: Chapter 6, 7, and 8 [DONE] flashcards from Hannah Griffis's class online, or in Brainscape's iPhone or Android app. Full Professor Emeritus, Ohio State University. The free-response section accounts to 55% of your score. Social Structure Post Independence . A labor organization for women founded in New York in 1903 that brought elite, middle-class, and working-class women together as allies. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. WebThe concept outline for AP U.S. History presents the course content organized by key concept rather than in sequential units. C) he would appeal to the hard-drinking anti-temperance vote. He believed that ragtime should evolve into an indigenous black American opera style. Fit for servants; humble or low. B) guaranteed former slaves the right to vote. Historians may use categories like these to analyze or break down the components of an era of U.S. history. B) failed to give women the right to serve on juries. Social Studies. In the years following the Civil War, the United States worked to rebuild its infrastructure, government, economy, and social structure. The West was seen as a land of opportunity by many settlers during the 19th century. Consciously or unconsciously, Americans in the 1950s lived largely consumer-driven, cookie-cutter lifestyles to fit in. This means that the sole DBQ is, by itself, worth 25% of your total grade, making Each morning, principal McVicar reads announcements. In the aftermath of the Stonewall riot, organizers formed the Gay Liberation Front and the Gay Activists Alliance. In exchange, Northern industries sold manufactured goods to Southerners and Westerners who needed them. For many years, TV executives used the guideline that 30 percent of the audience were watching each of the traditional big three prime-time networks and 10 percent were watching cable stations on a weekday night. A derogatory term for newspapers that specialize in sensationalistic reporting. After all, the meaning of who constituted an American was likewise uncertain. Much like in Period 2, enslaved individuals took part in both covert and overt forms of resistance within the dehumanizing system of slavery that white enslavers increasingly attempted to justify on moral grounds. The one thing you need to know about this theme: Social categories and practices are created, challenged, questioned, and maintained over time by a variety of factors. Riis photos of children walking half-clothed and barefoot in the streets, or sleeping in alleyways, were especially compelling for reform-minded women of the early Progressive era. Independent investigations from the United States intelligence agencies, however, turned up no evidence of suspicious activity or behavior from people of Japanese ancestry. The parent or A child-saving organization begun by Charles Loring Brace; it took children from the streets in large cities and placed them with farm families on the prairie. Recognizing Gerunds and Gerund Phrases. Weblecture notes hahaha age of absolutism 31 social struc ture nobility france of market peasantry in food lasts paid week most of france pray those who fight B) he would politically attract War Democrats and pro-Union southerners. A) Virginia. social structure, in sociology, the distinctive, stable arrangement of institutions whereby human beings in a society interact and live together. Period 8 covers a lot of ground when it comes to tracking challenges to societal structures and norms. The Battle of Little Bighorn, also known as "Custer's Last Stand," was a battle that took place on June 25, 1876, as part of the northern Sioux Wars. The tension between Mexican immigrants, Mexican Americans, and white Americans in the United States was already high in the United States before World War II. The incident that caused the clash between Congress and President Johnson to explode into the open was E) made women as well as blacks U.S. citizens. Example 1. During the period known as the Gilded Age, the United States experienced a second boom in industry driven by new technological innovations in energy, communication, and transportation. E) Johnson's promise to stop obstructing Republican policies. And movements often draw inspiration and leadership from each other. However, Northern manufacturers relied on free labor for their production, and increasingly viewed slavery as undermining the free labor market. C) Johnson's "soft" treatment of the white South.. B) the close ties that were developing between President Lincoln and the Democrats. Planter aristocracy w/ slaves mimicking feudalism of Europe 2. planters were hardworking, involved in day-to-day affairs 3. The soldiers were ordered to "Kill and scalp all, big and little. Students explain and analyze significant issues in U.S. history. To what extent did womens societal role change from 1800 to 1920? E) fines for blacks who jumped labor contracts. It is comprised of three free-response essays and 55 multiple-choice questions. The Ghost Dance movement and the belief in its ability to restore Native American lands and bring back the buffalo, led to the intervention of the US Army. This growth in manufacturing led to a general increase in the standard of living for Americans, but also led to a large income gap between the small (factory-owning) business elite and a large class of poor laborers. Custer believed he had a small group of warriors surrounded on the banks of the Little Bighorn River in Montana, but instead he found himself in the middle of a much larger Sioux camp of around 2,500 warriors. It is with this understanding that some business leaders paternalistically argued in favor of a moral obligation to help the less fortunate. Reporter for the New York Sun who wrote How the Other Half Lives. The one thing you need to know about this theme: Culture is Complicated Throughout United States History, historical factors shaped the meaning of what American culture looked like. B) concern about the person who would become President. She helped other women join the fight for reform, as well as influencing the creation of other settlement houses. Petersburg, Florida, area last Monday night showed that 165 homes were tuned in to the ABC affiliate, 140 to the CBS affiliate, 125 to the NBC affiliate, and the remainder were viewing a cable station. WebA social structure is a group of people that interact together on a consistent basis. In response, antislavery efforts took on varied and complex forms, often tackling economic or moral sides of the abolitionist argument (sometimes both). Assimilation. It will always include seven documents offering a variety of perspectives on a historical development or process that took place between the years 1754 and 1980. In 1857, abolitionist Hinton Helper also attempted to cut into this economic argument for emancipation with his book, Helpers claim of an impending slave rebellion was not entirely inaccurate. A) Twelfth B) readmission of Southern states without seriously reconstructing them. A form of American music that originated in the Deep South, especially from the black workers in the cotton fields of the Mississippi Delta. In 1970, activists in cities like Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York City organized the first Pride Marches. E) white resentment of the ability and success of black legislators. Social Structures Change. WebDescription. Jacob Riis famous book of muckraking photojournalism, published in 1890, illuminated the lives of poor urban dwellers to middle and upper-class Americans. ", a social group arranged in ranks or classes. The formation of monopolistic trusts in the East, such as the Standard Oil Company and the American Sugar Refining Company, led to high prices for manufactured goods and further economic struggles for farmers in the West. The document-based question focuses on topics from 1754 to 1980. Members of the United Farm Workers also stood in grocery store parking lots with flyers, asking consumers to consider another brand of grapes during their shopping experience. These arent terrible ways to study civil rights, but they arent flawless either. The first and only ex-Confederate state to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment in 1866 and thus be immediately readmitted to the Union under congressional Reconstruction was tumult tumultuous tumultuously. Ideally, the video should provide an active rather than a passive classroom experience. Writer who wrote The Jungle. Learning other forms of a word can expand your vocabulary. The question choices focus on the same skills and the same reasoning process (e.g., comparison, causation, or continuity and change), but students choose from 3 options, each focusing on historical developments and processes from a different range of time periodseither 14911800 (option 1), 18001898 (option 2), or 18902001 (option 3). Those who study social structure do, however, follow an empirical (observational) approach to research, methodology, and epistemology. One of the most notable movements was the Ghost Dance movement, which emerged in the late 1800s among several tribes. The fire also provided a national impetus for industrial reform. Life in the West was difficult for many settlers, as they faced harsh conditions and the possibility of failure. Social Structure/Hierarchy/Stratification, the organization of society members where status, power, and money creates divisions and regulates behaviors, the values, beliefs and perceptions of the world that are learned and are shared by members of a community or society, and which they use to interpret experience and to generate behavior and that reflected in their own behavior, the idea that each culture's features should be understood in terms of what culture's history, environment, values, and views of its people, and that it is ethnocentric or biased, as well as uninformed, to judge another culture by the standards of one's own culture, the study of how people use space and interact with their environment, the spread of linguistic or cultural practices or innovations (including ideas and beliefs) within a culture or from one culture to another, the process by which a person or a group's culture is lost or changed and resembles those of another group, intolerance and prejudice; obstinate and unreasoning attachment to one's own belief and opinions, with narrow-minded intolerance of beliefs opposed to them, looking at the world from the perspective of one's own culture; the attitude or belief that the ways of one's own culture are the best or only proper ones. The one thing you need to know about this theme: Work, Exchange, and Technology The link between work, exchange (trade), and technology runs through the heart of United States history. Both moderate and radical Republicans agreed that E) education to former slaves. Begun in New York, a national progressive organization that encouraged women, through their shopping decisions, to support fair wages and working conditions for industrial laborers. Overall, the efforts to address the economic struggles of small farmers in the West were hindered by the power and influence of large corporations. Additionally, farmers had to compete with commercialized bonanza farms, which had access to expensive equipment and often received reduced railroad and storage rates. They were tasked with stopping the Ghost Dance and the violence that ensued. This event became known as the Wounded Knee Massacre, considered as one of the most tragic and notorious incidents in the history of the US treatment of Native Americans. In the 1866 congressional elections, Despite half a decade of New Deal programs, mobilization for the war effort was instrumental in ending the Great Depression at the end of the 1930s. C) Fourteenth At the .05 significance level, can we conclude that the guideline is still reasonable? B) pro-Union southern politicians would be weak and inexperienced. A) Johnson's personal vulgarity and crude style of campaigning. Political corruption during Reconstruction was Studies of social structure attempt to explain such matters as integration and trends in inequality. E) the arrogant South was acting as if the North had not really won the Civil War. Anthropologists hold that this view ignores the vast amount of genetic diversity within the population and the minimal importance of differences between populations, so that race is used to refer to ethnic group (cultural) differences as though they had a biological basis, the policy or practice of separating people of different races, classes, or ethnic groups, as in schools, housing, and public or commercial facilities, especially as a form of discrimination, deprived of the rights of citizenship especially the right to vote, Alexander Holmes, Barbara Illowsky, Susan Dean, Arthur Getis, Daniel Montello, Mark Bjelland, Marketing Essentials: The Deca Connection, Carl A. Woloszyk, Grady Kimbrell, Lois Schneider Farese. In 1542, a friar by the name of Bartolom de las Casas wrote an account of mistreatment toward Native Americans at the hands of the Encomenderos to Prince Philip II of Spain. D) Republicans lost their majority control of Congress. D) Johnson's "class-based" policies that favored poor whites. D) Johnson promised to step down as President. In other words, you are expected to It began a quality rating system as well as increased the sanitation requirements for meat producers. Flittingacrossthemeadow,thefirefliesdelightedus. These politically and socially active women were also often college-educated. During the 20th and 21st centuries the party What did Franklin Delano Roosevelt outlaw in 1933? Round all computations to the nearest dollar. These two systems of inequality - the plantation aristocracy of the South and business elite of the North - worked together in one socio-economic order. View free-response questions and scoring information from past exams. Students choose between Question 3 (which focuses on historical developments or processes between the years 1491 and 1877) and Question 4 (which focuses on historical developments or processes between the years 1865 and 2001) for the last question. Specific social activities take place at specific times, and time is divided into periods that are connected with the rhythms of social lifethe routines of the day, the month, and the year. If so, when you come across the noun tumult in "Casey ac the Bat," you will be able to figure out that it means "a noisy commotion." The focus of Period 5 involves the events leading to and resulting from the Civil War. However, for the sake of organization, we will break each of them down individually here. The US government's treatment of Native Americans during the late 19th and early 20th centuries included a policy of forced assimilation, in which the government sought to assimilate Native Americans into white American culture. Radical congressional Reconstruction of the South finally ended when Think about your family. Resistance to authority comes in two forms: covert and overt. _______________________________________________. 47 million acres of land were distributed under the Dawes Act, however another 90 million acres were designated as reservations and sold to white settlers as they were considered more fertile. However, despite some successes, many farmers continued to face economic struggles and challenges in the West. All violence is a potentially disruptive force; at the same time, it is a means of coercion and coordination of activities. Henan Province is an important economic province and a major grain producing and energy consumption area, and its land use plays a key role in the sustainable development of the B) Ku Klux Klan A) opposition to abusing the Constitutional system of checks and balances. The Sand Creek Massacre, also known as the Chivington Massacre, occurred in 1864, where a group of Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes, led by Chief Black Kettle, had asked for peace and camped on Sand Creek in Colorado. A school of architecture dedicated to the design of buildings whose form expressed, rather than masked, their structure and function. The Fourteenth Amendment Exam questions assess the course concepts and skills outlined in the course framework. Ragtime was an important form of "crossover" music, borrowed from working-class African Americans by enthusiasts who were white and middle class. A) scalawags When in the winter of 1967-1968, some strikers began losing patience and started talking about using violent means, Chavez went on a hunger strike. Complete the aging of accounts receivable. D) punishment of blacks for idleness Additionally, in any society there is a more or less regular division of labour. A) with the black population fully counted, the South would be stronger than ever in national politics. American leader of the movement to legalize birth control during the early 1900's. In 1822, freedman, Covert forms of resistance in the form of sabotage and field hollers continued, as did self-emancipation. Human beings have formed political units, such as nations, within which the use of violence is strictly regulated and which, at the same time, are organized for the use of violence against outside groups. WebI. B) the Supreme Court. While the Grange Movements and Farmers' Alliances made some progress in addressing the economic challenges faced by small farmers in the West, their successes were limited. Social work like that provided by Jane Addams and other settlement house organizers was necessary for the nations new wave of immigrants. E) a secret Confederate sympathizer. Students assess these written, quantitative, or visual materials The census report stated that there was no longer a vast Western area with few settlers, and that the process of westward expansion had been completed. E) a plan to allow 10 percent of blacks to vote. "[They] tried to march to Spanish Florida, only to be stopped by the local militia. In 1948, President Truman ordered the desegregation of all armed services with Executive Order 9981. Underline the gerund or gerund Compare the ways that reform movements responded to industrial capitalism from 1790-1860 and 1890-1920. Which of the following was not one of the Reconstruction era constitutional amendments? Radical Reconstruction state governments E) All of the above were Reconstruction amendments. A female reporter who published an expose on Standard Oil. Under the organizational leadership of the. A) citizenship and civil rights to freed slaves. How did African American performers influence popular culture in the 1950s? A) highly partisan "swing around the circle" in 1866. This new Earth would be covered in dust, and the vanished buffalo would return in great herds. This made it difficult for small farmers to compete and survive in the West. Hogans. They killed about 200 men, women and children, shredded their teepees and left many of them in the snow. In the early 1800s, those living in the colonies, especially those at the top of the social hierarchy began to grow tired of the controlling government making laws all the way in Spain. Social structure is often treated together with the concept of social change, which deals with the forces that change the social structure and the organization of society. For example, self-emancipated or fugitive slaves left enslavers and plantations in the hope of reaching states or territories where slavery was banned. " they performed the sweaty toil of clearing swamps, grubbing out for trees, and other menial tasks. The federal government also attempted to address these issues through the passage of the Interstate Commerce Act of 1866, which was the first federal law aimed at regulating industry. This policy was implemented through a variety of means, including the establishment of boarding schools for Native American children, such as the Carlisle Indian School, which aimed to break the connection between the children and their culture and traditions. C) control of the South had been returned to Southerners much sooner. WebA form of music, apparently named for its "ragged rhythm," that became wildly popular in the early twentieth century among audiences of all classes and races and that ushered in an Cheap 15 cent magazines that most people could obtain. D) apparent sympathy with the Ku Klux Klan. Blacks in the South relied on the Union League to AP One notable achievement of these movements was the Supreme Court case of Munn v. Illinois, which established that states had the power to regulate commerce within their own borders. In addition to her work as a black feminist, Sojourner Truth took on an active role in the growing American antislavery movement. For every industrial innovation was an exploited worker. D) that a Congressional majority believed that the South had never legally left the Union. The adherence to certain beliefs leads to no reassessment of them, on the part of the fundamentalist, commonly used to refer to regional human populations assumed to be significantly genetically different from each other, though in the same species. C) participating in political rallies. A) passage of the Thirteenth Amendment. Images of adults packed like sardines into tenement housing with little but the clothes on their backs also sent explicit messages to industrialists as to the inadequacies of their wages. A) hostility to the growing practice of interracial sex. John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self. Companies spent unprecedented levels of money advertising products to American consumers, who now had multiple options for many available products. In the study of larger social groups, the problem of selection is acute: much depends on what is included as components of the social structure. The introduction of new social groups or categories alters the way each social group perceives itself and its role in American government, society, and economic life. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. C) required that all former Confederate states ratify the Fourteenth Amendment. N381 Ch. Industrialists of the time may have lived by their successes, but its shortcomings defined their generation. Territorial boundaries delineate these places and are defined by rules of property that determine the use and possession of scarce goods. Learning Opportunities for AP Coordinators. The United States continued its transition from an agricultural economy to an industrial economy. A professional stage show popular in the 1880s and 1890s that included singing, dancing, and comedy routines; it created a form of family entertainment for the urban masses that deeply influenced later forms, such as radio shows and television sitcoms. As they faced harsh conditions and the possibility of failure white resentment of the were!, borrowed from working-class African Americans by enthusiasts who were white and middle class labour. Sequential units outlined in the 1950s lived largely consumer-driven, cookie-cutter lifestyles to fit in is a potentially force... Women the right to vote events leading to and resulting from the Civil War was Studies of structure. 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