general stewart ship 1950 passenger list

Multiple takes - seems staged. mc N 761, in the Family History Area. Followed by shots of tanks and more soldiers, this time wearing combat helmets rather than dress uniform hats. Good CUs of Poles. Winter 1945/1946 or 1946/1947 Return to city (Danzig?) 01:09:54:20: return to concert/recital; CUs of audience members; English lessons at the YWCA with a female teacher. Goats grazing in brick ruins. The first band is the Franciszek Witkowski group. Good CUs of the couple. Sign at 01:17:04:27 reads: "Najwyzsy Sad Wojskowy; Prokurator Przy Najwyzsyzm Sadzie Wojskowym". The girls walk away from the camera, with their backs to the viewer. The camera pans a sea of Russian peasant woman's faces; many are making the sign of the cross. CUs of passengers in the train cars, LS of a conductor at the edge of the train platform monitoring the loading and unloading of passengers. (No Jews permitted)". 6. **, VS, Krakow, Poland landmarks: old maket square, Catholic church, museums, municipal buildings, the castle. Castle in mountains, train in FG, river, fast train, mountainside. Quick cut to peasant women walking along the street in full traditional dress. [2], At that time, she was sold to Albany River Transport Inc. of New York and rebuilt as a cargo ship by Todd Shipyard in Brooklyn. These shots are alternately over and under cranked, making the actions of the dancers exaggeratedly slow or fast. Daily life in the Jewish quarter or Krakow. Search the searchable database 1865 - 1883 The 1831-1865 records are not online but can be consulted at the Ontario Archives CU Smiling woman with her arm around the man. Various views. whether the passenger had ever been in prison, a poorhouse, or in an institution for the insane, You will usually find several possible entries for, Many immigrants traveled in groups or settled among friends and relatives from their native land. Men leaning against railing over river. Columns represent: Sequence number, surname, forename. MS of dignitaries at the reviewing stand, everyone is wearing top hats, including President Moscicki. Crowded train platform, several bourgeois looking families are boarding the trains, some soldiers are also on the platform, some help the women and children board. A family carries kindling on their backs. A young woman writes a Walt Whitman quote in English on a chalkboard. The bombed out Catholic Hospital of the Transfiguration, one of Warsaw's largest hospitals. Two young girls look at an umbrella display in a shop window; shots from inside the women's clothing store to the street and people outside reflected in the windows. CU, statue of a rearing horse and a man holding the lead. MS, Katowice, workers exiting the mine. Quick CU of a man in profile, cut to two girls and their mother in peasant dress. Boys play basketball. Bread. EXT man on a horse-drawn mower in a field. Nazi party rally at Nuremberg, pan of stadium, regiments already assembled on the field; more still entering, an injured man is carried away on a stretcher. Manned by a civilian crew, she operated out of San Francisco in 1950 and into 1951 steaming to the Far East carrying combat troops in support of the Korean War. 01:02:01 Small town in Germany. Bucolic lake countryside. 01:00:13:11, MS, Krakw, Poland, Basztowa street, large, ornate, municipal building in a town square, a horse drawn carriage is in the FG. Man leads a seated audience in song with accompanying hand gestures. Two Hasidic men talking in square with R. Beck sign in BG. Street scenes in Gdansk (Danzig) on ulica Dluga (German: Lange Strae) [see the city hall in BG]. Patrons dancing on a revolving stage, lively scenes of musicians and patrons enjoying themselves for the evening. 01:00:01:07 MCU, two young Polish women in traditional South Polish folk costumes walk down a dirt path away from a wood frame house and toward the camera. This scene cuts out before we enter the cemetery. Polish highlanders march from the church through the Polish village of Witw, in Kocielisko Commune, Tatrzaski County. 01:04:40:11 to 01:05:02:00 Young men and women gathered in a hall for a social, and then seated to watch a musical performance; band on stage, several cuts back and forth between musicians and audience. Swastika on wing of plane. Genealogy Centre Contact Details Irish Family History Foundation Cana House Farnham Street Cavan Co. Cavan Email: CUs at 01:22:00:00 of posters advertising film screenings and other events. EXT, MLS, large estate in the Polish countryside. They gather around a table with two IRO representatives, one who represents the Venezuelan mission, the other who is a medical doctor, responsible for documenting the health of the migrs. Pianist gets up, takes a bow, conductor introduces trumpet player, french horn player, and trombone player. Vineyard. Shots of the machinery and process and workers. CU sign "Polska YMCA". Please Note: All ssMaritime and other related maritime sites are 100% non-commercial and privately owned, thus ssmaritime is NOT associated with any shipping company or any other . Industry and machinery. House & Garden, Better Homes and Garden, and Good Housekeeping magazines. Shadow of blade falling. Snow in Zakopane. Crowd looks up at planes, salutes, land review, fighting, crowd. Russian children playing along a river that is frozen over. In the 1930s, he conducted extensive lecture tours, during which he showed film footage he shot in the former USSR. Animation ends. The attendant references a New York telephone book for a woman. 01:19:19 Autobahn, trucks. Eleanor Roosevelt beside a car shaking hands. Girls in berets and matching coats with fur collars walk along the street by a castle-like building. At 01:14:04:02 LS, a large group of civilians walking around on a field, there are Polish military regiments lined up along the field as well-buildings are visible in the distance. In yard, husband and wife gardening, picking flowers, hoeing. Crane with the bundle of chairs. HAS, planes flying overhead, Nazi party rally, air show, military review with tanks. Others seated, write in diaries, then march on. 1892-1924 Passenger List Search - The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc. 1897-1902 New York, New York, Index to Passengers Lists of Vessels, 1897-1902, index Procession of priests and academics. A man stops to take a photograph of the young man fighting with the bear. MS, workers in uniform, wearing caps, masks around their necks, on break outside the refinery. The bear then proceeds to walk into the center of the road, and approach two men on a horse drawn cart. at the port as they get on board the ship. More pans of the riverbanks and the bridge far off in the distance now., The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration Storefront. DPs get off a truck with luggage and board a train. A very brief sequence in an unidentified prison in Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1946. Interiors with students at desks writing and a female teacher. INT classroom. MLS of a group of barefoot children being lead through the rubble-filled streets by young women. VAR HAS of the ceremony, with motion picture and still cameramen running around to catch every angle. Civilians digging ditches, constructing blockades, dead horses. A nurse and doctor make their way through a destroyed ward full of empty beds. BDM women with flowers at village house, EXT. VS, at various angles. Nuremberg is decorated for a parade. Women prepare food in the school's kitchen. CU, iris in the zinc-smelting furnace, back to the girls and needlework, back to the zinc refinery, workers exiting the refinery. The men hold up the parachute from the plane that has been torn to shreds. Customs Passenger Lists between 1820 and 1891 asked for. 01:07:12 Pestalozzi Froebel Haus Kindergarten: children playing with wooden toys. CU, luggage. Of this encounter in 1958, JB wrote "he remembered my gray suit." Cut to young girls playing ball in the courtyard. Sailboats, taking down sails. Man leaning against railing over river. CUs, lens, laborers, on lunch break, polishing, inserting film into camera. Road with BDM girls, marching and singing with banner. 01:04:33 A shanty town that some survivors have set up where their homes once stood: families are trying to gather together their belongings; a young girl cleans her feet in a basin; young girl fixing her hair in a small mirror that she has propped up on a broken door. Young people discussing the United States by their car. CUs of the cars and zinc ore. Men working. In staff lounge, men play games, look at books, read newspaper. Ports in the 1840s Ira A. Glazier. Jewish quarter, including arched street made famous by Roman Vishniac, geese transported in a wooden cart, the market in Krakow, Finkelstein shop and its owners, two religious Jews gesticulating in the street, and teenage students. Kiosk and vegetable stand on the street in Warsaw-three women are shopping at the stand. MCU of four men at the hospital, the one with glasses is a German prisoner, who is being cared for by the Poles. Woolworth windows, storefront. Men seen through an open window. He is removing this clock as a trophy. and our loyal RootsWeb community. Between 1950 and 1955 General M. B. Stewart also sailed from Bremerhaven, Germany, to New York and Halifax, Nova Scotia, transporting thousands of European refugees to the United States and Canada under the International Refugee Organization. Setting up a chess board in a room, the small bust of a man and a portrait of philosopher Jaroslav imsa with black ribbon in BG. Man approaches a gravesite with flowers. Wreath laying. Early passenger lists typically include the name of the ship, the names of passengers, ages, ports of arrival and departure, date, country of origin, and occupation. DPs wave and the train departs. Scenic overlook with tables set up. Damaged brick building. Anna Salen was built as the C-3 class ship M.S. Young boys in an indoor pool. A woman stands in front of a mirror in a dress that a seamstress is adjusting and pinning. VS of the park, but none that show the sign in context of park. Wide views of the train station. As the DPs b . 01:04:54:00 Workers leave the factory on their bikes; large engines turn inside the factory. The 106th General Hospital went to Kishine Barracks later in 1966, and Fellenz said a new hospital is being readied at Camp Oji. Then a quick succession of shots seen earlier: two girls in traditional folk dress who do not want to be photographed without their mother, girls playing dodge ball in the school yard. Julien Hequembourg Bryan (1899-1974) was an American documentarian and filmmaker. The doctor examines a chest X-ray of another family member. Families line up at desks where young men and women review their identity papers, create new documents, and arrange for them to emigrate to North America (Canada, United States), and various countries in South America. EXT, country estate. INT, A Yugoslavian family is seen in their own quarters at the DP camp (staged). Entrance to Industry exhibit. MCU of a woman purchasing something at the kiosk. LS tractor in a field with farm buildings behind it. MCU of two women dead in the field, also the bodies of men. People fill the sidewalks. 0001 ABELE Aina 0002 ABELTINS Elze Good CUs of the children, the press, etc. Sequence of modern shop windows in the city, including a fabric store, a clothing store, a food market, and a hair salon. INT, MCU a streetcar full of passengers in Warsaw. Man cuts and butters bread at a table in the room. MS, a horsedrawn carriage passes a palace in Warsaw. Dutch flags posted on apartment buildings, spectators watch the parade from their apartment windows, street traffic. We do not make decisions on which records are sent to us. City streets and important buildings in Warsaw. VS of Wawel Castle and architectural details; a man and women atop a vantage point on the castle looking down at the river below, more barges; VS of buildings viewed from the river, very picturesque. Loading coal on ships, one with "HEL GDYNIA" painted on the side. Several CUs of various pages of the paper, one showing caricatures of the Soviets, the Brits, etc. Several shots of men, women, and children harvesting wheat, herding cattle, and talking to each other and to the camera. LS on the thatched roof country home along the river/canal. Other familiar faces include Trudi Goldschmidt Thompson. TRIMS. in Australia. (15:25) Young man picks up cans from a windowsill. Sequence of outtakes. VS of architecture; street cars, newspaper kiosks, people milling about, but more of a focus on the bustle of the city, traffic cops, buses, cars, etc. WS smoke stacks, factory. June 1806: Venus - On the 16 June 1806 the convict crew seize the ship and sail away with the cargo. Seen from rear, crowd salutes in stadium stands at the Nazi Party Rally; pan down to bookstore built in the stands. EXT, factory with smokestacks (minor film damage). HAS, military parade. The transport was reacquired by the Navy. Repeat of the horses rushing down the hillside, driven by soldiers, rather random/staged looking battle scenes, one of the soldiers is on a field phone in one of the MCUs. Boys in an indoor pool. More goose-stepping. CU, woman with camera. Man demonstrates guillotine. Tito walks through his garden and around a sculpture, followed by a dog. [2], In 1978, Mission Viking was central to a dispute between Mission Viking, Inc. and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). visitor! (04:09) Slate reads DAY 3 EXT 1 ECA. CU root vegetables. Students serve lunch to the rest of the class. Teenage boys (refugees) waiting in line to board the ship, looking up at the ship that is out of frame, their ID tags are attached to pins that say; "US Committee," they are followed by a group of older ladies, a man with a camera around his neck moves out of the way of the movie camera. Dining outside. View of spectators in windows (some flanked with Nazi flags and flower boxes). amount of money the immigrant had in their possession. CU man. Animation of Hollywood, showing a camera crew filming on a beach. Berlin street. Reconstruction. (08:23) CU guillotine blade falling, shadow of man. They are on their way to the United States, a large painted banner on the docks reads: "Welcome to the first DP Emigrants to the US, Bremerhaven Port of Embarkation" Refugees board the ship (the General Wm. They are learning English. A woman meets him under the tree- the man talks to her about a gun as they sit on a bench under a tree, there is a religious icon hanging on the tree. TRIMS. 01:11:36 Boys looking at NS posters on fence, "Der Stuermer". 01:04:18 Railway underpass, a train stuck on the tracks that are now covered with debris, women and men climb out of the railcar and over the debris. 2. 4. HAS, Polish army parading through the streets of Warsaw, the cannons are drawn by horses, tanks roll by, men sweeping debris, motorcycle troops: this is a sign/prelude to war. 01:19:17 Farming and farming, hay. 01:00:37 Displaced persons (DPs) on a transport sponsored by the IRO. The two representatives answer questions from the group, made up mostly of young men, and a few young women. She was named in honor of U.S. Army general Merch Bradt Stewart. CU molten zinc being smelted in a furnace at the Giesche Mine and Refinery in Katowice. Two men join him. Girls on bicycles. Train station in Poland, people hurrying along the platform, one orthodox Jew hurries along, the rest of the travelers are dressed in contemporary clothing. 20th century lists include even more details, giving the town or county of origin, and the names of other family members, destination, physical description, and more. INTs of the 1937 Munich exhibition of "Degenerate Art" [Entartete Kunst] in the Archaeological Institute, not far from the house of German Art. SEQ: Women in fashionable dresses walk down stairs and model for a small group of people. Long CU on an older woman who retells her part of the story, cut to the two young boys reading Mickey Mouse comics (JB mentions this in the book "Siege", (1940) as well). Train cuts through snowy mountains. EXT, Kazimiera Mika's small house at 2 Dalibora in Warsaw. EXT, LS, in a park in Warsaw. Men observing and discussing guillotine. CUs, basketball players. Young children playing in a courtyard, moving large twigs around the street as an elderly woman watches them, preparing for the harvest festival of Sukkot beneath the archway made famous in an iconic Roman Vishniac photograph. Children play soccer on a snowy field. Nazis march past Hitler. EXT, MLS, ships unloading coal at port of Gdynia. Search below to view digital records and find material that you can access at our library and at the Shapell Center. Surgeon Dr. Smith RN. A sequence of CUs of the dead bodies. Large group of young women on an outing, all are wearing overcoats and berets, VS of new building construction, Julien Bryan's notes mention shots of the Parliament building and the higher army court; an open truck full of men in suits drives up to this new building, they all go inside. Livestock and farmers. CUs of Czech language booklets. The gondola approaching the top of the mountain; MCU gondola operator, CU on the gears, another shot of it approaching the end of the run, from a slightly different angle- people disembarking. Good profile shot of Field Marshall Edward Smigly-Rydz, he is flanked by the President and the Catholic official Cardinal Hlond. Commander: Captain Arrigo G. Gladulich. A train with bars of coal drives by. Procession of automobiles arrives at church, spectators line the streets. The refugees speak to each other, to the IRO staff that are helping them, and to the camera. Men salute from the stands. Might there be correspondence between the National Archives and the Clerk of the House concerning which records were transferred and which may have subsequently been withdrawn? Men shovel into the fire. Another flag is draped on the roof of the building to warn the German planes. INTs wire factory (ECA slates throughout), workers, and equipment. Pupils at desks, Margot goes to chalkboard again. Shots of another hospital with a makeshift maternity ward in the cellar hallway. Peasant and cart. Mechanics working on engines. A comic sequence of an individual dressed in a furry bear costume who teases passersby on the streets of Zakopane in central Poland. EXT, CU, young schoolchildren walking with teacher, and nun, location unknown. Young men learn how to play basketball. VS, barges on a river, train heading toward the camera, then moving away from camera, factory sequence and pan of Austrian hillside. Horses with buggy, jovial elderly man. Man meticulously shines a woman's shoes. 01:11:42 Above ground trains, city traffic, police officer directs traffic. Sailing for New York 22 April, General M. B. Stewart arrived 11 May, decommissioned 24 May, and was turned over to WSA for duty in Army Transport Service. 1 views . Pancraz prison in Prague SEQ (postwar): CU of a prisoner scrubbing the floor; CU, guillotine shadow; three men stand in front of the gallows and discuss. CU of a piece of zinc ore in someone's hand as they demonstrate the contours of the rock. The coal mining compound, INTs, EXTs, LS. Cameramen document Marshall Smigly-Rydz (in profile). This is a different location and church than the church featured in the first scene of this story. The rest of the road, and equipment, police officer directs traffic the. 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