famous young republicans

Barack Obama. While liberal sentiments like "Medicare for all" were the norm, Duffy wrote on her white board: "I vote because the coronavirus won't destroy America, but socialism will," and all hell broke loose. The IOP issued the following statement to Newsweek: "We were happy to give Evita the same platform as every other student. Richard Nixon, Dwight D Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan are a few other famous republican leaders. - Neutral opinion of this politician: 26% --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 22% (83rd most popular Republican) - Negative opinion of this politician: 25% --- Positive opinion among women: 47% (5th most popular Republican) Representing New Orleans suburbs in the U.S. House of Representatives, Steve Scalise has a reputation for conviviality among colleagues. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 31% (62nd most popular Republican) [Pictured: Rep. Robin Kelly, D-Ill., and former Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, are seen in Statuary Hall before President Donald Trump's State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress in the House chamber on Jan. 30, 2018. - Neutral opinion of this politician: 17% WebYoung Republicans Moderates are appalledand fleeingbut the Republican base is more besotted with Trump than ever. Courtesy of the Committee on Arrangements for the 2020 Republican National Committee/Getty. --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 25% (20th most popular Republican) The current president of the United States, Donald Trump, is also a member of the president of the Republican Party. ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 26% He represented Oklahoma in the House of Representatives for four terms, beginning in 1995. restrictions, which you can review below. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 33% (56th most popular Republican) When Tim Scott served on South Carolinas Charleston City Council in 1997, he posted the Ten Commandments outside of the building, prompting a lawsuit. --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 41% (10th most popular Republican) The vice president was a voice for conservatism and an advocate of business deregulation in the Bush administration, but struggled to be taken seriously. --- Positive opinion among men: 60% (35th most popular Republican) He was a major supporter of the United States-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 29% (75th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among women: 41% (55th most popular Republican) ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 20% Goldwater lost the presidential election to President Lyndon Johnson, but as a candidate who opposed Communism, was fiscally conservative, defended personal freedoms, and opposed Democratic civil rights legislation, he helped the conservatives take control of the South, which subsequently aided in getting eight Republican presidents elected in the 13 elections held since that time. Many maintain a strong fan base with their down-home style or unpretentious approach. WebBlanche Lincoln. He has been active in campaigns to fight climate change and drives an electric car. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 29% (77th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among women: 42% (34th most popular Republican) While at GWU, "we were vandalized 20 times and filed a dozen police reports," she said. Walker took it personally. Dao won't say where he intends to go to college because he says he was already doxxed once when liberals at his high school shared his home address online. Alex Wong/Getty Images Blanche Lincoln was born in Helena, Arkansas. And two months ago, he launched a podcast that already boasts 200,000 views per episode. His book Right Now: A 12-Step Program For Defeating The Obama Agenda accused the Obama administration of big government expansion, nationalization plans, and out-of-control spending. The top Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives as minority leader, Kevin McCarthy has a reputation for effective party networking and skilled fundraising. ], You may also like: Oldest national parks in America, - Positive opinion of this politician: 21% - Negative opinion of this politician: 32% --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 28% (85th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 24% (100th most popular Republican) We're the dissenting voice. - People who have heard of this politician: 44%. Those are the Latinos I know.". --- Positive opinion among men: 64% (6th most popular Republican) In late 2008, Rumsfeld was strongly criticized in a U.S. Senate report for authorizing aggressive interrogation techniques at the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay and contributing to the abuse of detainees there as well as in Afghanistan and Iraq. She left the cabinet to head up the American Red Cross, and in 1999 was a contender for the Republican presidential nomination. Many of them sponsor various social events and networking events for members. He later served on the House Intelligence Committee, investigating Russian involvement in the 2016 election, and was chairman of the House Oversight Committee that investigated Clinton's emails. Elizabeth Dole was transportation secretary under President Ronald Reagan and labor secretary under President George H.W. Things were so bogged down that YAF attorneys had to file a Freedom of Information Act request to figure out what was going on, and that's when internal emails revealed that one teacher worried the group might promote "hate, racism, and homophobia," according to public documents. So much so that Elder took calls on air from Miller 69 times as a high schooler, and the teenager caught the attention of major conservative figures, such as Stephen Bannon, the late Andrew Breitbart and best-selling author-activist David Horowitz. - People who have heard of this politician: 62%. --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 27% (5th most popular Republican) Some win backing for their policy stands, taking hawkish positions on immigration or foreign policy. - Neutral opinion of this politician: 18% --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 42% (6th most popular Republican) There are a few guidelines and - Negative opinion of this politician: 8% [Pictured: Former U.S. --- Positive opinion among women: 43% (33rd most popular Republican) A Utah resident, she was born in Brooklyn to Haitian immigrants, married Mormon missionary Jason Love, and joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona, Joe Arpaio built a national reputation on his treatment of immigrants in detention, housing them outdoors in temperatures so high that inmates complained their shoes melted. ", While a student at American University in the nation's capital and an advocate for military veterans (her dad served in Iraq after the 9/11 attacks), Zegers was recruited to run for the State Assembly in her hometown, New York. A U. S. senator from Kentucky and Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell was a vocal opponent of President Barack Obama. "But it's invigorating because you have to be outspoken or the mob will eat you alive. "It is so important to hear young people from Venezuela, for example, saying, 'This politician excited me by promising social justice and calling himself a "democratic socialist," and now I had to flee my country for America.' Mike Pence was a conservative radio and television talk show host in the 1990s before he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2000 and then as governor of Indiana in 2012. --- Positive opinion among women: 42% (35th most popular Republican) Around that same time, 17-year old Ben Shapiro was a student at UCLA, having graduated from high school two years early, and the conservative teenager was already the youngest nationally syndicated columnist in the country. WebSep 10, 2020. In response, his administration launched the Department of Homeland Security and the Patriot Act that expanded government surveillance capabilities, and led an international war on terror that included the 2003 invasion of Iraq. While representing Utah in the U.S. House of Representatives, Jason Chaffetz promoted legislation to sell 3.3 million acres of public land in 10 Western states, saying it served no purpose to taxpayers. --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 35% (41st most popular Republican) "We are a divided, hurt nation that needs - Negative opinion of this politician: 33% He's the one who is going to need luck if he expects me to back down," Walker said. In 2012, he was Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romneys running mate. By Megan DiTrolio and Maria Ricapito. --- Positive opinion among women: 39% (78th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among women: 43% (29th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among women: 42% (40th most popular Republican) - People who have heard of this politician: 84%. --- Positive opinion among women: 40% (62nd most popular Republican) ], You may also like: Libertarian, gerrymandering, and 50 other political terms you should know. As governor of Ohio, he signed more than 20 laws limiting abortion access, although he vetoed a bill that would ban abortions once a fetal heartbeat is detected, saying it would not hold up in court. - Neutral opinion of this politician: 23% [Pictured: Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) marches with a crowd singing Little Light of Mine in Washington D.C. on June 7, 2020. Ryans poll ratings slipped in 2017 after the House, where he was speaker, failed to overturn the Affordable Care Act that had become President Barack Obamas legacy. That's when Duffy wrote an op-ed in the student newspaper. She learned she was wrong, she said, when teachers kept her after school for more than two hours trying to force her to choose one club over the other. --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 36% (37th most popular Republican) To publish, simply grab the HTML code or text to the left and paste into --- Positive opinion among men: 60% (46th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 24% (41st most popular Republican) [Pictured: Former New Jersey Gov. - Negative opinion of this politician: 24% If you appreciated Kimberly Guilfoyle's passion at the Republican Convention, check out Walker's video excoriating Joe Biden for pandering to Black voters (viewed 900,000 times and counting). ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 36% These conservative Hollywood names are involved with Republicans on various levels. "I'm the teenager who was defamed by the media," Sandmann, 18, said in his speech. Some come from families with long histories of high-profile public service, and others emerge from seeming obscurity and humble origins. Bush also was in the White House when Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans. "How could I possibly imagine that the simple act of putting on that red hat would unleash hate from the left?" He has since distanced himself from the Republican Party and supported the effort to impeach Trump. --- Positive opinion among women: 40% (59th most popular Republican) "He demanded that the school abide by the code and created quite a stir. Since watching YAF go to bat for her by filing its FOIA request, she's now considering law school. [Pictured: Rep. Steve King (R-IA) speaks to a member of the audience ahead of a campaign rally inside of the Knapp Center arena at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa on Jan. 30, 2020. We're the ones in the way. In 2013, the Kentucky senator delivered the tea partys response to President Barack Obamas State of the Union address. Kenneth Blackwell (born 1948), former Ohio State Treasurer and Secretary of State; 2006 Republican candidate for Governor of Ohio Donald Blakey (born 1936), member of the Delaware House of Representatives Edward David Bland (18481927), member of the Virginia House of Delegates Michelle Bernard (born 1963), journalist, author, columnist speaks during a news conference outside the U.S. Capitol, May 27, 2020. [Pictured: Gov. --- Positive opinion among women: 39% (82nd most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among men: 54% (96th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 32% (58th most popular Republican) ], You may also like: 10 most common items polluting the ocean, - Positive opinion of this politician: 19% --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 39% (16th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 31% (63rd most popular Republican) ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 24% --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 37% (28th most popular Republican) The religious conservative opposes same-sex marriage and has questioned whether homosexuality is a choice. Janelle Mone's Film 'Antebellum' Shows the Horrors of Systemic Racism, The War and Treaty Look for Healing on their new album. More recently, he was named by Trump to head the administration response to the coronavirus pandemic. - People who have heard of this politician: 89%. Most have made a bid for the White House at least once, propelling them to national stature. When her YAF chapter brought Ben Shapiro to speak on campus in her senior year, posters were defaced with an X through his face and the words "Get Security." --- Positive opinion among women: 47% (7th most popular Republican) - Negative opinion of this politician: 15% The Texas Republican has been the U.S. permanent representative to NATO since 2017. We're just trying to promote thoughtful discussion. --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 25% (28th most popular Republican) ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 30% --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 36% (38th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among men: 50% (102nd most popular Republican) Al Jolson Dec. at 64 (1886 He is now running to head the Republican Party of Texas. He ran again in 2015. [Pictured: Former Vice President Dick Cheney greets former President Barack Obama during the state funeral for former President George H.W. [Pictured: Alan Keyes, Chairman of the Conservative Majority PAC, speaks during a press conference by the Tea Party Express at the National Press Club in Washington DC. Haley won national kudos in 2015 when, in the wake of a racially-inspired mass church shooting, she called for the removal of the Confederate flag from the state capitol. --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 20% (102nd most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 22% (79th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 46% (1st most popular Republican) It never even occurred to me. "The truth was not important; advancing their anti-Christian, anti-conservative, anti-Donald-Trump narrative was all that mattered. That would teach him not to wear a MAGA hat!" --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 22% (84th most popular Republican) Many are war veterans, striking a chord with voters with their military service, including those that return home with lifelong scars. As a young man in the U.S. Army, Dole was severely wounded in World War II and was left with a paralyzed right arm. Her group finds young people who escaped communism and socialism and makes short videos about their experience, one of which, featuring a Cuban refugee, has been viewed 13 million times thus far. This brief history lesson suggests that, when it comes to modern-day conservatives, there are clues at a young age as to whom the movement's next influencers, akin to Shapiro or Miller, might be. --- Positive opinion among men: 61% (26th most popular Republican) - People who have heard of this politician: 47%. --- Positive opinion among men: 60% (38th most popular Republican) With a 4.7 average, Dao is on track to becoming valedictorian at his Los Angeles area high school, where there is already a cadre of liberal students who are trying to prevent that from happening because they don't want to hear a conservative deliver their graduation remarks. ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 21% ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 20% Flyers hung throughout campusand featuring an image of the guest speaker with the text "Facts don't care about your feelings"were defaced en masse. --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 25% (33rd most popular Republican) Bush at the National Cathedral in Washington D.C. on Dec. 5, 2018. --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 21% (93rd most popular Republican) ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 18% John Kasich was one of the 16 Republicans who sought the presidential nomination that Donald Trump landed in 2016. An example is the debate over removing the statue of A&M founder Lawrence Sullivan, who fought for the Confederacy. Though he wore a MAGA cap at the time, in subsequent interviews he called it a souvenir and declined to support Trump. In 2001, Stephen Miller was a 16-year-old student at Santa Monica High School near the beach in Southern California when the 9/11 attacks kicked his patriotism into overdrive. I was told by many that I was the most hated person on campus. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 27% (88th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 38% (25th most popular Republican) As a gay, Black conservative, the younger Walker is a minority within a minority within a minority, but it doesn't faze him in the least. --- Positive opinion among women: 40% (64th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 42% (8th most popular Republican) In addition, Young Republican Clubs assist Republican political candidates and causes. She served as both a US Representative (1993 to 1997) and a US Senator (1999 to 2011). Young conservatives have an impact in spite of being vastly outnumbered." "Slavery was repugnant, but we believe in moral redemption, and Sullivan did a lot for African Americans when he was governor of Texas. During the Trump administration, he has backed off his moderate stance and has become a combative supporter of the president. Now his loyal supporters, who had sent King to Washington for nine terms in the House of Representatives, have signaled they have had enough of him. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 28% (84th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among men: 54% (94th most popular Republican) They used the same language the American left uses today, and it always ends in suffering," she said. - Negative opinion of this politician: 22% --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 21% (91st most popular Republican) Now 18 and studying political science at Liberty University, Salas is also a product ambassador for Chic Politico, where she models T-shirts aimed at conservative women, emblazoned with slogans like "Raised on Reaganomics" and "You Had Me at Limited Government." Elizabeth Dole was transportation secretary under President George H.W a & M founder Lawrence Sullivan, who for... `` But it 's invigorating because you have to be outspoken or the mob will you... 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