david stevens archaeologist

Tel . GM-CSF enhanced both mono and MDM with VCZ at 0.01 and 0.05 microg ml(-1) in killing Cn to 62% and 86%, and 61% and 84%, respectively. But do note that it is not possible to be certain of a person's genealogy without a family's cooperation (and/or DNA testing). View details for DOI 10.3109/08820139.2011.569627, View details for Web of Science ID 000291946400001. A 56-year-old diabetic man presented with left upper lobe collapse and postobstructive pneumonitis. 1 technical staff2 student. (Finished 1997), View Alice Roberts's Family Tree and History, Ancestry and Genealogy. Factors associated with a poor prognosis have been defined and therapy is difficult because of the lack of a blood supply. The recommendations are distilled in this summary, but the reader is encouraged to review the more extensive discussions in subsequent sections, which show the strength of the recommendations and the quality of the evidence, and the original publications cited in detail. Although no survivors were free of infection, no antagonism was seen. Furthermore, VCZ would have enhanced efficacy in clinical settings where either G-CSF or GM-CSF was being used. Five types of murine models are studied and include primary pulmonary disease, intraperitoneal with dissemination, intravenous infection emulating systemic disease, and intracranial or intrathecal infection emulating meningeal disease. Outbred mice are immunosuppressed using weekly doses of 5-fluorouracil to induce neutropenia and damage the mucosal epithelial layer, and are also maintained on a broad-spectrum antibiotic regimen to reduce secondary bacterial infection. Date of birth. When lungs of surviving mice were cultured, the 0.1 microg regimen resulted in fewer (P<0.02) cfu. grubii or Cryptococcus neoformans var. The cumulative percent toxicity requiring discontinuation of drug was 6, 17, 23, and 56% at 400-, 800-, 1,200-, and 1,600-mg doses. My main research interest is large scale ocean modelling. Saccharomyces as a Vaccine Against Systemic Candidiasis. I think that its great to be informing parents about the health benefits of breastfeeding, but the emotional benefits may be underplayed. Band profiles were used to distinguish and group isolates. Connect with the University of Nottingham through social media and our blogs. PhD student in Archaeology Dr Anna Stevens. Current pharmacotherapy of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. > present (Honorary Fellow of the British Science Association and the Royal Society of Biology) and [????] The distributions among ethnic groups were not different, however they differed (p = 0.002) from global populations. In a short-term organ clearance study, 5 days of treatment with 10 or 50 mg/kg BID itraconazole or fluconazole reduced the tissue burdens in the brain and spinal cord compared to the tissue burdens in the controls (P < 0.02 to 0.0003). Protein targets for broad-spectrum mycosis vaccines: quantitative proteomic analysis of Aspergillus and Coccidioides and comparisons with other fungal pathogens. O'HARA KIERON and HILDEBRANDT MIRIELLE, eds., In Defence of Toma: Algorithmic Enhancement and a Sense of Justice, Further Thoughts on Talking to the Unreasonable. DNA sequences with trinucleotide repeats were selected from the C. parapsilosis genome database. Murine peritoneal macrophages in vitro could kill Aspergillus fumigatus conidia, and this activity could be suppressed with dexamethasone. Intraparenchymal abscesses with inflammatory cells in their peripheries were found beginning on day 10. Hyphae produced in the presence of micafungin (0.01 microg/ml) and incubated again with micafungin for 24 h inhibited growth by 47%; combination with monocytes resulted in 62% inhibition. View details for DOI 10.1080/13693780500220498, View details for Web of Science ID 000235382600007. This trend has heightened awareness of the complications of cryptococcal meningitis; of these, intracranial hypertension is common, severe, and life-threatening, as exemplified by three cases in our institutions presented here in detail. A total of 3714 biallelic markers, spaced about every 3.5 kilobases, were identified by analyzing the patterns obtained when total genomic DNA from two different strains of yeast was hybridized to high-density oligonucleotide arrays. Combination therapy resulted in improvement in 63% of patients, generally with amphotericin B plus 5-fluorocytosine or rifampin and indifference with amphotericin B plus itraconazole. Recent studies in our laboratory with heat-killed Saccharomyces (HKY) have raised the possibility of development of a panfungal vaccine. In general, posaconazole therapy was well tolerated, with 12 of 20 patients reporting adverse events that were possibly or probably related to treatment. Ascioglu, S., Rex, J. H., de Pauw, B., BENNETT, J. E., Bille, J., Crokaert, F., Denning, D. W., Donnelly, J. P., Edwards, J. E., Erjavec, Z., Fiere, D., Lortholary, O., Maertens, J., Meis, J. F., Patterson, T. F., Ritter, J., Selleslag, D., Shah, P. M., Stevens, D. A., Walsh, T. J. Intrathecal amphotericin in the management of coccidioidal meningitis. Those group A and B isolates unable to form viable spores may be diploid hybrids between Saccharomyces species. > present (Member of the Advisory Board of the Cheltenham Festival of Science) and [????] of Pediatric Pulmonology, Stanford; Childrens Hosp. Your husband stayed at home to look after your daughter Phoebe in 2012. We compared various amphotericin B formulations (no treatment or 0.8 mg of Fungizone [conventional deoxycholate amphotericin B] per kg of body weight, or 0.8, 4, or 8 mg of Amphocil, AmBisome, or Abelcet per kg of body weight) for treatment of systemic murine aspergillosis. View details for PubMedID 11248522, View details for Web of Science ID 000167613000005. Lower concentrations of serum also potentiated drug activity. Concentrations above the MIC of caspofungin allow growth of some Candida isolates. For two of three patients, all three with two episodes of S. cerevisiae vaginitis, different strains were isolated during the recurrence of this disease. > present (Member of the Advisory Board of the Cheltenham Festival of Science), [????] In contrast to the findings with conidia, GM-CSF enhanced the production of IL-1 (5-fold) and TNF (1.5-fold) by LPS treated BAM. View details for Web of Science ID 000186262900004, View details for Web of Science ID 000184264100014. Serum factors, including mannose binding lectins (MBL), influence innate responses to microbes. The collection was assembled so that approximately half of the isolates were resistant to azole drugs. Phylogenetic and statistical analyses utilizing permutation tests were undertaken to assess correlations amongst the isolates. > present (Member of the committee for the Wellcome Trust Society Awards), [????] . These unique observations are consistent with an estrogen-fungus receptor-mediated effect on pathogenesis. Masters: Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations, Dynamical Oceanography, Dynamical Meteorology. of California, Davis). Characterization of the [3H]progesterone-binding sites in T. mentagrophytes showed the binder to be a protein which was destroyed by trypsin and heating to 56 degrees C. Previous examination of the steroid-binding specificity in T. mentagrophytes had demonstrated that deoxycorticosterone (DOC) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) were effective competitors for [3H]progesterone binding. In contrast to prior reports, this study suggests that human serum acts synergistically with caspofungin to enhance its inhibitory activity in vitro against A. fumigatus. Adrian Whitaker was a guest speaker in the forum "Women in Archaeology: Mentoring and Connecting." The brain and spinal cord contained the highest concentrations of fungal DNA. IL-2 production by BALB/c spleen cells in response to Con A was 3- to 4-fold greater than that by CD-1 spleen cells. To test the hypothesis that the efficacy of HKY- induced protection may be due to the cross-reactive antigens in the cell walls of the different fungi, we studied the effect of HKY against systemic candidiasis. None of the heart transplant recipients with either IPA or invasive extrapulmonary aspergillosis (IEPA) had associated neutropenia. Therapy is predominantly directed at preventing life-threatening hemoptysis. Further pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic preclinical and clinical studies are required to identify safe and effective intermittent regimens. Sabino, R., Carolino, E., Moss, R. B., Banaei, N., Verissimo, C., Stevens, D. A. Halomonas johnsoniae: review of a medically underappreciated genus of growing human importance. From online or printed sources and from publicly accessible databases. Lives in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Click the button below to download Dr David Stevenss resume as a PDF. He has been involved in more than 1000 studies and projects with major government and multinational organisations in Australasia, the USA, the UK, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. View Details. Certain focal sites, such as sinusitis or cerebral aspergillosis, have additional risk factors. Tissue samples were collected for high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis and histology. trivia, View details for Web of Science ID 000167156500009. The immunosuppressive effect of dexamethasone (DEX) on macrophage killing activity and cytokine production in response to Aspergillus fumigatus conidia is antagonized by granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF). Journal of Island & Coastal Archaeology 5:105-119. The fungicidal activity of young bronchoalveolar macrophages (BAM) (20%) against Blastomyces dermatitidis (Bd) was comparable to killing by adult BAM (25%). Stephens, a hairdresser based in Baltimore, took a trip to the Walters Art Museum back in 2001 . Six isolates failed to amplify MTLa1 and six failed to amplify MTLalpha1. Previously we reported that in vitro granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) blocks the immunosuppressive action of DEX on bronchoalveolar macrophages (BAMs). Amphotericin B derived from AmBisome and Abelcet localized in activated endothelium and from Abelcet in intravascular monocytes. View details for Web of Science ID 000242479500001. The current studies examined the efficacies of several antifungal agents alone or in combination with a murine model of CNS aspergillosis. Groups of mice were given 0.5 mg estradiol 3 days before and 4 days after intravaginal challenge with a suspension of Candida albicans. Interleukin 18 (IL-18), transforming growth factor beta1, and IL-12p(40) mRNAs were constitutively expressed in the brains of infected and uninfected mice; IL-2 mRNA was not detected at any time. David Stevens . Since IL-12 was poorly tolerated, a new protocol for infected mice, IL-12 0.1 or 0.3 microg, every other day, resulted in minimal toxicity; almost all treated mice survived (P<0.002 vs. controls). View details for Web of Science ID A1992HA14300012. Brown, E. M., McTaggart, L. R., Zhang, S. X., Low, D. E., Stevens, D. A., Richardson, S. E. Vaccination with mannan protects mice against systemic aspergillosis. Amphotericin B plus 5-fluorocytosine was the most commonly used (49% of cases), followed by amphotericin B plus itraconazole (16%) or plus rifampin (11%). Because of possible development of resistance in patient isolates resulting from residence in the abnormal milieu of CF patient airways, or from exposure to antifungals, and considering the possibility of patient-to-patient spread of microbes and reports of elevated resistance to other fungal pathogens, it was important to assay the susceptibility of isolates of Candida and compare that profile to isolates from the community. (SRIW) and SCOPE Europe. However, communication between compartments and streaming of nuclei makes defining a cell of a hyphal organism difficult and the best method for quantification of the hyphal organism remains controversial. The incidence of invasive aspergillosis is markedly increasing, and mortality remains dismal. Expansion of this study to include other competitors revealed that R5020 (a synthetic progestin), androstenedione, and dehydroepiandosterone possessed relative binding affinities which were 20, 11, and 9% of that of progesterone, respectively. My career ambitions havent changed much, in that my main ambition is to work hard at whatever I apply myself to. During the past several decades, there has been a steady increase in the frequency of opportunistic invasive fungal infections (IFIs) in immunocompromised patients. In cryptococcosis, pronase treatment of serum has reduced false positives and false negatives, and improved reproducibility of titres. Hemoptysis is a dangerous sequela. Overall, these studies indicate that a nonlethal model of oral and gastrointestinal mucosal candidiasis with dissemination can be established in mice. Topical rhMBL cream in combination with itraconazole resulted in a 3-fold improvement in clearance of the yeast compared with sole itraconazole therapy. However, the literature is growing that this mycosis, particularly pulmonary aspergillosis, can be seen in patients lacking these factors. Dis. View details for DOI 10.1016/j.imlet.2009.12.021, View details for Web of Science ID 000275526700003. Histopathologic examinations showed acute meningitis of the brain and spinal cord, some parenchymal invasion and abscesses, and meningeal arteritis. This review addresses a variety of uses for animal models in medical mycology. The remaining 11 isolates were DNA group A; 2patients that shared a room had identical group A isolates, both converted to DNA group B type colonization within 2 months. Three distinct PCR-groups were observed and there was evidence that strains isolated since 1990 were genotypically more similar to each other than they were to strains recovered prior to 1990. Single or multiple-day VRC dosing via IV or PO routes at differing dosages resulted in tissue concentrations that were below the HPLC assay's limit of detection (0.1 g VRC per g tissue). These various manifestations of the diseases, diagnosis and treatment are organized for basic scientists, so that they may better understand the dimensions and nature of the clinical challenges. Campus maps | More contact information | Jobs, The Devil's Long Tail: Religious and other radicals in the internet marketplace. Although higher doses could be given, no lipid-based formulation showed consistent superiority over Fungizone or over each other. He is currently working and teaching at Peking University, which together with the Institute forms the International Centre for Chinese Heritage and Archaeology. The majority of infant colonizers were not found in the blood, suggesting a possible direct spread of the epidemic subtype VII-1 strain from HCW hands to infant blood. The estimates for the mean (standard deviation) for clearance and the volume of the central compartment were 1.60 (0.85) liter/h and 20.61 (15.27) liters, respectively. > [????] ITZ-A suspension was prepared by mixing contents of commercially available capsules with hydrochloric acid and orange juice. The elder Mazar was a Jew born in . When clusters appear, determination of genetic relatedness among strains and identification of a common source are important. Hyphae were generated by incubation of conidia for 24 h with or without micafungin. Kramer, M. R., Denning, D. W., Marshall, S. E., Ross, D. J., Berry, G., LEWISTON, N. J., Stevens, D. A., Theodore, J. ENDOCARDITIS DUE TO TRICHOSPORON-BEIGELII - INVITRO SUSCEPTIBILITY OF ISOLATES AND REVIEW, CYCLOSPORINE AND ITRACONAZOLE INTERACTION IN HEART AND LUNG-TRANSPLANT RECIPIENTS. Chiller, T. M., Luque, J. C., Sobel, R. A., Farrokhshad, K., Clemons, K. V., Stevens, D. A. Efficacy of intravenous liposomal amphotericin B (AmBisome) against coccidioidal meningitis in rabbits. It causes multifaceted pathology in immuno-compromised and normal hosts, notably low birth weight neonates. Areas addressed included fungal biology, immunopathogenesis, insights from animal models, diagnostic criteria, epidemiology, the use of new immunologic and genetic techniques in diagnosis, imaging modalities, pharmacology, and treatment approaches. Dexamethasone (DEX) is a potent immunosuppressive agent used in the treatment of several disorders. Turbid growth of some Candida albicans isolates occurs, paradoxically, in some high concentrations of caspofungin, above the minimum inhibitory concentration. Stevens, D. A., Calderon, L., Martinez, M., Clemons, K. V., Wilson, S. J., Selitrennikoff, C. P. Development of a murine model of cerebral aspergillosis. > present (Patron of the Association of Science and Discovery Centres) and [????] This emphasizes the potential importance of a positive culture for Aspergillus in the critically ill, the need for awareness about possible aspergillosis in patients lacking the classical risk factors, and readiness to proceed with appropriate diagnostic maneuvers. We delineate our experience in the medical and surgical management of this form of therapy, including procedural details that we have found useful, for the benefit of our colleagues who may wish to use them. David Stevens has over 35 years of experience in the mortgage banking industry. Dose-escalation of Abelcet alone did not increase reduction of cfu. Collectins, collagenous carbohydrate-binding proteins (C-type lectins), are recognized as important factors in non-specific innate immune responses to pathogens. > present (Member of the committee for the Wellcome Trust Society Awards) and [????] We evaluated the immunomodulatory effects of three different classes of antifungal agents on the human monocytic cell line, THP-1, which had been stimulated in vitro with Aspergillus fumigatus conidia. Q U O T E ::: "I dont think learning stops when you finish school, or university. of Washington). GM-CSF reversed the effect of DEX on I kappaB levels. Clinical assessments were done daily; cerebrospinal fluid and blood samples were obtained on day 15 and upon euthanasia. Given the greater than 90% lethality of clinical central nervous system (CNS) aspergillosis despite current therapies, there is a need for an animal model to study therapeutic strategies. Company. Self 1 episode, 2002 Ron Curley . Kline, Y., Clemons, K. V., Woods, L., Stevens, D. A., Tell, L. A. This concept has been applied to a wide range of businesses and projects, from small to large, all with outstanding success. inoculation with these pathogens. Cloned, amplified inserts from randomly sheared genomic DNA (gDNA) and known control genes were printed onto glass slides to generate a microarray of over 12,000 elements. Birdseed agar improves culture specificity. Treatment with both antifungals at all doses prolonged survival compared with that of the control treatment (P < 0.01 to 0.0001). Statistical analysis of the data demonstrates a strong correlation between homozygosity at the MTL locus and azole resistance (P<0 small middle dot003). Luque, J. C., Clemons, K. V., Stevens, D. A. Chiller, T. M., Galgiani, J. N., Stevens, D. A. It is believed to be correct at the time of inputting and is presented here in good faith. Immunizing an immunocompromised host would seem to be a formidable task; however, virulence factors and immunogens of the pathogen have now been identified and could be targeted, mapping of the genome sequence of the pathogen will soon be completed, and the protective host immune responses and cytokine networking are better understood. Using the metabolic XTT assay, micafungin alone (0.01 and 0.10 microg/ml) inhibited Aspergillus fumigatus germlings by 48% and 61%, respectively. Anna is an archaeologist, specialising in ancient Egypt, with research interests that include urbanism, lived religion and cultural interaction in the ancient world. Dexamethasone (DEX) down-regulates production of these cytokines by stimulated bronchoalveolar macrophages (BAM) and constitutes a risk factor for aspergillosis. Was King David a real person? One patient received 1,997 g over 86 months. Contribute Alice Roberts and David Stevens - Dating, Gossip, News, Photos list. Micafungin, a new echinocandin, inhibits fungal cell wall beta-glucan synthesis. Clemons, K. V., Park, P. S., McCusker, J. H., McCullough, M. J., Davis, R. W., Stevens, D. A. These facts, together with recent advances in vaccine science, make consideration of such an approach now possible. Epidemiological studies show a striking predominance of paracoccidioidomycosis in adult men compared to premenopausal women. Mannan-induced protection was improved about 40-fold by conjugation of BSA to mannan. Studies of the paradoxical effect of caspofungin at high drug concentrations. The workshops that David Stevens has run for us on three PFI Hospitals projects have on each occasion proved to be an essential catalyst for identifying the critical issues, slaughtering the sacred cows and improving the value for money of the project whilst improving the overall effectiveness of the team., Dr Richard Baldwin, Managing Director, Special Projects, Alfred McAlpine, UK, As an international organisation involved in the corporate area we have seen the highly successful application of Dr Stevens Big Project techniques on a wide range of small and medium sized businesses. From 7 diverse geographic areas, 536 isolates obtained over 35 y were placed into 23 RFLP subgroups. Malassezia pachydermatis, a yeast that has not previously been implicated as a cause of human disease, was isolated from cultures of blood from three infants. These results suggest MBL may play a deleterious role in systemic aspergillosis. View details for DOI 10.3109/10408410903213393, View details for Web of Science ID 000275267300002. Many different types of animal models of fungal infection have been developed, with murine models the most frequently used, for studies of pathogenesis, virulence, immunology, diagnosis, and therapy. The motivation is to understand the role of the ocean in the climate system. RESULTS. The effect of human sera was further seen when using caspofungin that had lost activity (e.g., by storage) against A. fumigatus at 0.1 microg/ml. Hepatotoxicity may contribute to high-dose Abelcet and AmBisome failures. Like a superhero of the coiffe, she spends her days as a regular hair dresser, giving people layers and funky bobs. Plasma samples were collected for ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) or bioassay analysis. Conclusions: A proper IL-12 treatment protocol induces resistance (survival and decreased growth in lungs), low toxicity, macrophage responsiveness to IFN-gamma for killing Blastomyces, up-regulation of IFN-gamma and down-regulation of IL-10 production. MICA at 3 or 10 mg kg(-1) versus the saline controls approached significance. Imai, J., Singh, G., Fernandez, B., Clemons, K. V., Stevens, D. A. The immunological and inflammatory processes responsible are poorly understood. This study also provides unique methodology for immunology studies in a rabbit model. Our results suggest this estrogen insensitivity may have broad-ranging effects on processes other than gametogenesis, including vaginal susceptibility to candidiasis. Non-culture based assays including chitin determination, quantitative PCR and enzyme immunoassay (EIA) of cell wall constituents, galactomannan or beta-glucan overcome this difficulty in part. Histopathologically, VCZ-treated birds did not have necrotic lesions and showed a trend toward fewer with acute inflammatory changes. Recombinant human GM-CSF could also reverse dexamethasone suppression of bronchoalveolar macrophage conidiacidal activity. Login We have learned the protective moiety is in the cell wall, and proteins, glucan and lipid all seem important. This article examines the prevalence, pathogenesis and host defense, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of coccidioidomycosis. A call to arms of the immune system, Cytokine and inducible nitric oxide synthase mRNA expression during experimental murine cryptococcal meningoencephalitis. No toxicity was noted. Groups of 10 received 0.8, 4, or 8 mg/kg of Abelcet, intravenously (iv), or caspofungin, intraperitoneally, 0.8 mg/kg of conventional amphotericin B (AmB) iv, or no treatment. We have shown heat-killed Saccharomyces (HKY) is a protective vaccine against aspergillosis and coccidioidomycosis. View details for DOI 10.3109/13693786.2012.683539, View details for Web of Science ID 000309936400005. By complying with the current policies and regulations, the risks from these programs can be minimized. Clemons, K. V., Capilla, J., Stevens, D. A. Azole therapy of clinical and experimental coccidioidomycosis, Experimental systemic infection with Cryptococcus neoformas var. I welcome doctoral research applications in the following areas; the foundations of liberalism; Rawlsian political philosophy; social justice; political liberalism; anti-perfectionism; just war theory; the philosophy of education; rational choice and religion. View details for Web of Science ID 000182500800004. This paper describes two studies using mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos). DEX increased I kappaB levels in cytoplasm and blocked translocation of NF-kappaB to the nucleus in unstimulated and conidia-stimulated macrophages. CLINICAL AND MICROBIOLOGICAL FEATURES OF INFECTION WITH MALASSEZIA-PACHYDERMATIS IN HIGH-RISK INFANTS. d*****@utah.gov. Although this study was limited by the number of patients enrolled, it clearly demonstrates that posaconazole shows promise in the treatment of patients with coccidioidomycosis and warrants additional investigation in a full-scale clinical trial. Gene disruptions of the MTL loci were found to have no effect on azole susceptibility. The infants had been hospitalized for at least six weeks, had received broad-spectrum antibiotics, and had received parenteral lipid nutrition via a central venous catheter. I kappaB degradation and NF-kappaB activation were assessed by Western blot.Macrophages stimulated with conidia alone increased NF-kappaB translocation. Our results show that the fos-1 deletion strain has significantly reduced virulence as compared with the parental wild-type strain. Gene probes have accelerated diagnosis by culture. The populations were similar and balanced with regard to prespecified demographic and disease variables. The rate of adverse events was similar in the two groups. ; Univ. The anthropologist David Graeber . [4][1], Whilst appointed as Medical Officer, Stevens reported that disease was being spread by polluted water and poor hygiene and informed support for significant health legislations including the 1866 Sanitary Act which had been hastened by the cholera epidemic. Recent studies have examined ways to ameliorate the well-known toxicities of amphotericin B. The relative binding affinity that progesterone and its metabolites display for PBP correlates with the relative growth inhibitory potency of these compounds. View details for DOI 10.1016/j.ajic.2005.06.005, View details for Web of Science ID 000238967600010. Did he struggle with this decision? IL-4, IL-6, and gamma interferon transcripts were detected on day 5, and IL-1 beta and IL-10 transcripts were detected beginning on day 7. 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