characters named ellie

The two sneak down into a flooded shopping mall, but overhear that a sniper was sighted near the marina, over the WLF's radio communications. Crossing the rooftops, they evade another patrol and climb down through the window into the Liberty Gardens mall, their usual hangout. Nicknames: El, Els, Ella. Ellie continues on and finds Owen Moore's belongings. Hall drew the tattoo on a developer's arm so the team could visualize it. Joel says, dramatizing his Texan accent. Though Dina wants to join her, Ellie insists she stays given that she is physically weakened because of her pregnancy. She demands Abby's whereabouts from them. While trying to flee on foot, Ellie makes her way through a lodge but David finds her in the dining hall and renders her unconscious. Female Name- E- Ellie Chinese Name for Ellie To download the Chinese Name for Ellie in six different styles, please order the name below. On the way, Ellie explains why Abby's group killed Joel, in vague terms to avoid revealing her immunity. She manages to elude David and stabs him two more times, causing him to panic and bash her into a table behind him before grabbing her hair and throwing her to the floor. Despite the injury, she proceeded to fight off and kill two Rattler bandits then proceeded to the Rattler's base and killed many inside. [53], Ellie follows Route 5, traveling through abandoned streets until she reaches high enough ground to see how far she is from the hospital. As of 2021, Ellie ranks as the 30th most popular girl's name in the United States. Plagued by OCD, panic attacks, and flashbacks, Ellie wishes she could just be Ellie, the girl who skates. Ellie confirms that she will, as Dina needs care in Jackson. [32], In the morning, Ellie was attacked by an infected Sam and subsequently saved by Henry, though she later expressed her guilt of surviving over Sam due to her immunity. Joel stands up straight, declaring that even if God gave him a chance to change what happened, he wouldn't because he does not regret saving Ellie's life. Ellie executes her soon after. [77] Oli Welsh of Eurogamer found Johnson's performance to be "standout" due to her depiction of "rawness, vulnerability, and rage". Riley leads Ellie through the mall up to the higher floors, evading close calls with the infected who catch up to them. If either one of them knocks all the windows out of their car (Riley, blue, Ellie, red) they get to ask each other a question. A wounded Ellie then proceeds outside to the beach as the prisoners launch their attack on the Rattlers. He even called her "baby girl" just like he did with Sarah. Ellie searches the arcade and finds a cart she can use to climb through an opening above a locked door. Therefore, Joel grows controlling towards Ellie, unwilling to let her decide her own fate. Marlene informs him that the doctor believes she has a chance of surviving. As Abby picks up Dina's knife, Ellie begs Abby to stop, as Dina is pregnant. While the two never met, Ellie understands what Sarah's death meant to Joel and how he has seen some aspects of his daughter in Ellie during their journey to find the Fireflies. Ellie treats her wound and makes her way to the Rattler dome, fighting some of them along the way. Once done with Ellie's stitches, Dina tells Ellie that one of Abby's friends, Nora Harris, was assigned to Lakehill Seattle Hospital to find supplies. While sitting outside listening to the tape, Joel arrives on his horse and rushes to Ellie, hugging her while chiding her for running away. The proprietress of her family's farm, Aunt Eller is a respected authority within the community. She openly admits to Sam that "ending up alone" is what she fears most. Click here to see Ellie as she appears in the The Last of Us: Part II. However, Ellie experienced a moral epiphany during the duel and decided to spare Abby.[60]. [20][33] However, as time passed, Ellie establishes not only a daughter-father relationship, but a bond of protection with Joel. [4] However, her official height description in outside materials lists her height as 5 feet 5 inches (165cm). Ellie watches as WLF soldiers pursue Dina and their platoon leader Mike shoots Shimmer dead. Marlene points to a ladder and tells Ellie and Riley it leads to behind the school. Ellie and Riley eventually had an argument and parted ways. [96] Johnson is currently nominated for Best Voice Performance at the 19th Game Audio Network Guild Awards. Riley displays a brief moment of defiant bravado, but right afterwards admits she was terrified of turning and cries into Ellie's arms. [25][45] She is unable to swim until Joel teaches her how sometime before the events of Part II. Ellie derived as a nickname for names beginning with El-, such as Eleanor, Ellen, and Elizabeth. Marlene says that she wasn't really going to kill Riley. Knowing where to go, they leave the hotel and go through the East gate on Shimmer. This short and sweet name means "light" and has English and French origins. He and Joel proceed to kill several infected on the street but manage to make it to the top of a hill, where Ellie finally starts the truck. Ellie's Story is about a search and rescue dog named Ellie. She then opens the gate and continues on to the aquarium by boat. Along the way, Ellie reveals her immunity to Dina, and Dina reveals she is pregnant with Jesse's child. David allows Ellie to leave with the penicillin, which she uses to heal Joel, who later goes on to help Ellie kill most of David's group. [8] She was also intended to demonstrate that a character bond could be created entirely through gameplay. Riley evades the question and continues onward. Ellie returned to the series in New Leaf, as part of the Welcome . Before leaving, he gives Joel a siphon hose so he can obtain gas from abandoned cars. While Tess goes with Marlene to verify the weapons Marlene has promised the pair, Ellie is taken by Joel to an apartment close to the outer wall. The player, however, will have a choice of three questions and a dismiss option to choose from if they beat Riley. There are many characters in the Beverly Hillbillies. Joel, wishing to change topic, asks if Dina is Ellie's girlfriend. Ellie cuts herself free with a shard of fallen glass, grabs her switchblade, races to Jordan and stabs him in the neck, letting him bleed out. She asks Riley for advice on what to do and Riley tells her to lower the gun. Ellie is distraught over the revelation that a cure was possible but Joel stopped it by massacring everyone in the hospital, causing her to declare that she and Joel "are done." Once acquainted with the two, Henry and Sam, they agree to chat at their safe house. Riley reacts by hitting it with a stone before it can do anything, but the runner, having discovered her, begins to attack Riley and pins her to the ground. Confused, Ellie asks Riley what she intends on doing with her life. Joel, a Texan in his forties with the "emotional range of a teaspoon" (to quote Hermione from Harry Potter), finds himself responsible with the safety of a fourteen year old girl named Ellie whom he must smuggle to a militia group called the Fireflies. He warns her not to pull any of her "old stunts" once she has settled in and tells her that he can no longer look after her. Recovering, Ellie jumps on the back of the infected and slits its throat. [20] She carries a switchblade, which is her only weapon until she is trusted with a gun by Joel. In his office, Ellie is flippant with his show of authority despite the open reading of her rap sheet in previous homes. She is friendly and good-humored but does not suffer foolishness. She is at first armed with a bow, which she uses well. [12] For The Last of Us Part II (2020), Johnson considered her own experiences with anxiety, and researched the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with Druckmann. The Old German variation Ellawyn was derived from Elisheva. [6] An early alternative name for the character was Lily; Druckmann chose Ellie as he had considered the name for his daughter. After climbing up into a shop for cover, Jesse is now convinced that Tommy is the sniper at the marina, could be in danger, and they should go to help him. [31], They escape the hunter area through the sewers and suburbs. Shortly after turning 13, Ellie arrives at the Boston quarantine zone on a bus, to the sight of the military scanning a man for infection. Before the pair can continue speaking however, they hear someone attacking Tommy. She knocks Abby away from Ellie and slashes her arms and face. One of the most notable confirmed new characters is played by Yellowjackets star Melanie Lynskey. Later on, Ellie awakens inside Joel's car on the way out of Salt Lake City, wondering what happened during the time she was unconscious.[48]. Marlene refuses, explaining that there is no one else and no other choice, and it has to be done to save humanity. Riley dismisses her enthusiasm, saying the game is for children. Ellie initially struggled to make him mention Sarah or even get him to confess he had a daughter, having to find out of her own volition. During a brutal fight, Joel is impaled in the abdomen and leaves the fighting to Ellie.[37]. Her name comes from the first part of the word elephant. She looks down and warns Ellie to never cross paths with her again. Ellie pleads for them to let Joel go, watching helplessly as Abby finishes Joel off by smashing his head with a golf club. Gaining an advantage, Ellie proceeds to violently hack at David's head multiple times, seemingly in a state of rage and hysterics, until Joel suddenly arrives and pulls her away from his corpse, embracing and consoling her as she begins to break down in tears. The note, and the fact the bodies were wearing backpacks marked with the Jackson community's signature "J", confirms the pair were two teenagers who ran away in an effort to find the Fireflies and help "save the world" only to be attacked and infected by a horde, causing their deaths. After several moments, however, Ellie stops, suddenly saddened, and sincerely asks Riley not to leave her. After killing the cannibals and infected, she makes her way to Joel, who is still alive. Ellie's path is blocked by a security gate, and the chain for the gate is obstructed by a metal beam. [14][49], In the weeks after their arrival, Ellie and Joel settle into life in Jackson. When Joel awakens in the Fireflies' hospital, Marlene explains to him that Ellie's immunity can be reverse-engineered to create a vaccine to the lethal fungus, but to do so the mutated Cordyceps must be extracted from her brain via surgery, killing her in the process. She then frees Lev, also weak, from another pillar, and picks him up. Ellie suggests that the three split up to look for them. Generate Nickname If you want to see more beautiful styles. Riley abandons her Firefly pendant when Ellie pleads for her to remain, and they kiss. Alarmed, she turns around and points her gun at the man, but stands down when she sees that Tommy has arrived with Jesse. Bill even remarks that "maybe [they] should have given her a gun". He enters, and nudges her chair with his foot to get her attention. Ellie is described as having auburn hair and being 5 feet 3 inches (160.02cm) by a deceased Firefly. [46], The pair were close enough that Ellie didn't want to part from her with Joel and Tess and felt a need to protect her when she saw Joel enter the room with a visibly wounded Marlene. [46] On the way out, Joel overpowers and kills Ethan, and makes his way through the facility to the operating room where the surgical procedure on Ellie is about to begin. David and Ellie take refuge from the cold weather and David asks for Ellie's name. [56], Ellie's most important, and unique, ability is her complete immunity to the fungus. Eventually, they reach high enough ground to see how far they are from the aquarium, but they find that the streets below are flooded for miles. Ellie agrees, but is unwilling to return to Jackson without Tommy. Riley's resulting death from Cordyceps infection affected Ellie deeply, motivating her to put her immunity to good use. EllIe's story didn't have many main characters. She leaves the house she is caring Joel within and searches for food in a nearby forest. She is ambushed by a Rattler with a bat, but manages to fend her off and toss her toward the cells. He is momentarily distracted by the building being lit on fire by a lantern knocked over during their struggle. During her final confrontation with Abby in the second game, the former WLF member bites off parts of Ellie's pinky and ring finger on the left hand. In the first game, The Last of Us (2013), Joel Miller is tasked with escorting a 14-year-old Ellie across a post-apocalyptic United States in an attempt to create a cure for an infection to which Ellie is immune. Moments later, she spots an arcade just a few feet away from them. Despite not needing a gas mask, Joel insists Ellie wear one in case they stumble upon other survivors. [35], Tommy asks if Ellie needed help getting on the horse, expressing some general consideration for her. [45] Ultimately, Joel says that they would have been good friends and would have liked each other, implying that he finally sees Ellie as his "second" daughter. [44] While she shows initiative, she is not as adept at survival as Joel, being somewhat impulsive and nave. The lyrics, which include lines of seeing "future days/Days of you and me" seem to resonate with Ellie, and she softens listening to Joel sing. Once at the museum, the full-sized statue of a Tyrannosaurus Rex near the entrance leaves Ellie in awe. Later that night, Ellie wakes up freezing and closes the windows. After barely dodging the Humvee's bullets, they come to a halt when they find the upper section of the bridge has fallen through. [11][45] As an NPC, she is also invisible to enemy AI, meaning she can't accidentally reveal Joel's position. Ellie asks what is on it but he insists she play and close her eyes while she does. [60] As a result of the incident, Ellie's ability to properly play guitar has become impeded. She also takes "justice" into her own hands on her relationship with anyone, and does not think she requires any adults' consent. 45 Episodes 1975. While Bill checks Joel, Ellie manages to break free of her restraints and beats Bill with a pipe, but Joel quickly gets up and stops Ellie from causing further harm. He then holds out the guitar to Ellie, and says it is hers. [54] Ashley Reed and Andy Hartup of GamesRadar named Ellie one of the "most inspirational female characters in games", writing that she is "one of the most modern, realistic characters ever designed". Character List. Ellie has to find her way to the other side of the parking garage without touching the water, or she'll "get fried to a crisp. [20][45] When asked in an interview about her eyebrow scar, Neil Druckmann states that there is a story behind her scar, but says that he won't share the story yet. q&a; trivia; popular; trending; random; Famous Ellies 1. [19] Druckmann and Straley said the change was made to better reflect Johnson's personality and make her younger. He is lonely and lost in the middle of a family of four girls when Leslie Burke moves in next door. [37] Through this experience, Ellie earned Joel's absolute trust, the man finally acknowledging her as an equal. She returns in Gacha Resort to once again to offer advice and guidance. [10], She admits her sickness at having "shot the hell outta that guy". [33] Eventually, Ellie finally manages to discuss Joel's past with him, even Sarah. She nearly reveals that she had to kill someone whod become infected, but veers from the subject. [60], After her confrontation with Abby, Ellie travels back to Wyoming and returns to the farm shared with Dina, only to find it abandoned. Ellie takes this chance to grab a butcher knife with her left hand and strikes it towards James' throat, killing him. Aunt Eller keeps the peace while holding a protective eye over Laurey and Curly. Ellie shrugs, not knowing the answer. While players briefly assume control of Ellie for a portion of the game, the artificial intelligence primarily controls her actions, often assisting in combat by attacking or identifying enemies. [26] In Left Behind, Ellie and Riley share a kiss; the team considered omitting the kiss from the game, but felt that it was imperative to the story and strengthened the relationship. [52], In The Last of Us, a wounded Marlene tasks Joel with escorting Ellie from Boston to a drop-off point in Colorado to help the Fireflies develop a vaccine from her immunity. [43], The spring arrives as Joel and Ellie reach Salt Lake City, the intended final destination on the 27th of April, 2034. Recognising her excessive violence, Ellie runs from the boar's corpse and collapses to her knees near the farm. The weight of the trolley causes the rotting floor underneath her to break, falling into the floor below and disturbing a bloater and several runners. Ellie also tells Dina that she does not want to lose her, while Dina consoles and comforts her. The Fireflies are, however, nowhere to be found, instead the two are met with a large group of both infected and cannibals. "Ellie" by Ronan Tynan is a stirring and emotional ballad that showcases the powerful vocals of the Irish tenor. [58] Conversely, Game Informer's Kimberley Wallace felt that the game focused too much on Joel, "hardly capitalizing on Ellie's importance",[59] and Chris Suellentrop of The New York Times judged that Ellie is cast "in a secondary, more subordinate role". Eventually, Ellie loses her switchblade in the water, forcing her to fight hand-to-hand. In 2038, Abby Anderson, a former Firefly and the surgeon's daughter, found and killed Joel. Three weeks later, around the time Marlene and Ellie planned to leave Boston for Salt Lake City - Marlene is injured during her search for the smuggler Robert, a man she had initially hired to escort Ellie out of Boston. However, their discussion was interrupted by couple of children having a snowball fight. Ellie spent months tracking Abby, unable to forgive her, only to save her and Lev from the Rattler gang. But when Ellie hears that Rick has resurfaced, her nightmares return, and with them, small snippets of memory. Joel quickly leaps forward, pinning the clicker down and shooting it dead, saving Ellie once more. She then plucks at the strings of her new guitar. Ellie is angered by him but he ignores her as he asks Tess what they should do next. Ellie hopes to find medicine, but to her disappointment, it has been picked clean of any useful supplies. She looks and acts like a typical young teen; there's really nothing unnatural about her . [27] Her youth leads Joel to initially doubt her competence so he does not grant a firearm to Ellie[11] until she saves him by shooting a hunter,[26] and only afterwards does he teach her how to use a hunting rifle. Juliek reappears late in the memoir, when Eliezer hears him playing the violin after the death march to Gleiwitz. [27] Ellie even proved herself enough that Joel spent less time in combat with enemies focussing on protection and more so having her assist him in defeating them. However, they trigger a mine while hopping over barbed wire, which cripples Shimmer and topples the pair from the horse. While there, Ellie finds an acoustic guitar backstage and takes it to play and sings Future Days by Pearl Jam. By nightfall, she arrives, the trio deciding to commit to embarking outside the zone. [54], Ellie navigates the flooded streets as a thunderstorm rises. [10] As Ellie, Johnson's performances were mostly recorded using motion capture technology which produced approximately 85% of the game's animations. Ellie Williams Tommy Miller Bloater Frank Abby Anderson Rat king All items (11) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other C Category:Character images D Category:Deceased characters E Category:Enemies H Category:HBO's The Last of Us characters M Category:Mentioned-only characters T Category:The Last of Us characters Ignoring the question, Riley asks if Ellie ever thinks about her future. She is later taken under Marlene's wing at the sight of this miracle for both of them. [50] Ellie also mentioned that neither the infection and immunity can be transferred to others though.[52]. Very sad scene yet one of my. Ellie smiles and says that is dumb. After climbing up a broken escalator, Ellie finds an abandoned store in the mall, Weston's Pharmacy. Ellie mocks his scar and insists he cannot stop her vengeance. She gladly accepts, the pair trying to toss blueberries into their mouths while doing so. Tommy also mentions that he collected a gold necklace for Maria as an apology gift for worrying her. Ellie expressed regret at having forgotten to put the toy robot on his grave before they left. Finding the gate they must pass to reach the hotel, the pair realize they need to retrieve gas elsewhere to power the generator. Ellie avoids answering why she is being smuggled but does inform Joel that her parents died and that she's 14. They ride deeper into the city to search the area for fuel. While Ellie closes the living room window, she accidentally knocks Joel's guitar to the ground. [54] Tommy leaps up to wrestle the gun out of Abby's hands, but Lev shoots Tommy through the leg, allowing Abby to knock him down and shoot him in the head. [35][36] At one point, Joel states he is going to teach Ellie how to play the guitar and how to swim. [30], The night before Sam died, he asked Ellie what she was afraid of. Inside, the pair find it filled with spores. [22] Lead character artist Ashley Swidowski designed Ellie's eyes to demonstrate a somberness; in the first game, Ellie had wider eyes to reflect her childlike nature. [7] Druckmann designed Ellie as a counterpart to Joel, the main playable character of The Last of Us. Ellie looks pensive for a moment. Nora begs Ellie to think about the consequences of Joel's actions, but Ellie does not care and gives Nora one last chance. [14], Ellie showed difficulties in positioning herself as a young kid in an adults' eyes, and sometimes even tends to "supervise" adults. Drawing the hospital logo in her journal, she cuts through a newspaper office that is infested with stalkers. Her stealth capabilities are similar to Joel's, and she even has a less-honed version of the listening mode that Joel has. [8], Ellie is described as "mature beyond her years" as a result of the circumstances of her environment. She states that they promised to wait together until the end, and that she's still waiting to turn and join her friend. [74] The ending is therefore the beginning reversed, with key themes reflected in Ellie's similarity to Joel's daughter Sarah. They exit the back of the mall and head for the illuminated carousel. First off, she is appropriately dressed for fighting zombies, in just jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. While Ellie is an old-school darling, she didn't hit the U.S. Top 100 until 2011. Ellie sneaks into the hospital compound and finds Nora in her office. [6], Ellie's relationship with Bill was initially one of hostility, as the first act Bill did towards Ellie was handcuffing her to a pipe. Table of Contents What Does Ellie Mean? After a brief confrontation, the group start toward the sewers to the radio tower. They return to Winstons camp to find Riley reading a magazine. Riley tries to console her friend by telling her the two options they have to deal with their situation; they could commit suicide, or they could wait out the infection together and fight to stay alive with what time they have left. There, Ellie reveals that the Fireflies have "their own little research lab out West", causing Joel to chuckle at the thought of such a thing. [6][14] She fears being alone again, making their bond precious to her, remarking that losing Joel would "make [her] more scared", fearful she would always lose people she was close to. 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